


businesses to competitors who were already competence leaders Black & Decker in small electrical motors, and Thomson, which was eager to build its competence in microelectronics and had learned from the Japanese that a position in consumer electronics was vital to this challenge. 在相反是有可能建立核心能力但没有这样做,因为最高管理层是无法想象的作为一个集合的离散企业以外的任何公司的大公司。 GE 出售其消费电子业务的很多法国汤姆逊争论正在成为越来越难以维持在这一领域的竞争力。 这无疑是这样,但具有讽刺意味的是它售予已经在小电机和汤姆逊急切地想要生成及其在微电子的能力,并已学了从日本消费类电子产品中的一个位置对这一挑战至关重要的能力领导人黑科技德克尔的竞争对手发来的几个关键业务。

Management trapped in the strategic business unit (SBU) mind set almost inevitably finds its individual businesses dependent on external sources for critical components, such as motors or compressors. But these are not just components. They are core products that contribute to the competitiveness of a wide range of end products. They are the physical embodiments of core competencies. 被困在几乎不可避免地设置的战略业务单位 (SBU) 心目中的管理查找其个别企业依赖于外部源如电机或压缩机的关键组件。 但这些都不是公正的组件。 它们有助于广泛的最终产品的竞争力的核心产品。 它们的核心能力的物理体现。

How Not to Think of Competence 如何不思考的能力

Since companies are in a race to build the competencies that determine global leadership, successful companies have stopped imagining themselves as bundles of businesses making products. Canon, Honda, Casio, or NEC may seem to preside over portfolios of businesses unrelated in terms of customers, distribution channels, and merchandising strategy. Indeed, they have portfolios that may seem idiosyncratic at times: NEC is the only global company to be among leaders in computing, telecommunications, and semiconductors and to have a thriving consumer electronics business. 在建立确定全球领导地位的能力的一种比赛是公司成功的公司已停止想象自己作为束生产产品的企业。 佳能、 本田、 卡西欧或 NEC 似乎主持的业务无关的客户、 分销渠道和销售战略的投资组合。 事实上,他们有可能有时似乎特质的组合: NEC 是唯一的全球公司是计算、 电信和半导体的领袖之一,并具有蓬勃发展消费电子业务。

But looks are deceiving. In NEC, digital technology, especially VLSI and systems integration skills, is fundamental. In the core competencies underlying them, disparate businesses become coherent. It is Honda's core competence in engines and power trains that gives it a distinctive advantage in car, motorcycle, lawn mower, and generator businesses. Canon's core competencies in optics, imaging, and microprocessor controls have enabled it to enter, even dominate, markets as seemingly diverse as copiers, laser printers, cameras, and image scanners. Philips worked for more than 15 years to perfect its optical media (laser disc) competence, as did JVC in building a leading position in video recording. Other examples of core competencies might include mechantronics (the ability to marry mechanical and electronic engineering), video displays, bioengineering, and microelectronics. In the early stages of its competence building, Philips could not have imagined all the products that would be spawned by its optical media competence, nor could JVC have anticipated miniature camcorders when it first began exploring videotape technologies. 但看起来是欺骗性。 在 NEC 数字技术特别是集成电路和系统的集成技能,是根本。 在他们的基本的拿手好戏完全不同的企业成为协调一致。 它是为它提供了一个独特的优势,在汽车、 摩托车、 草坪割草机和发电机的企业的本田的核心能力在发动机和电力火车。 佳能的光学、 成像和微处理器的控件中的核心能力,使它进入,甚至是主宰市场,


