


能力 — — 侵蚀或太少努力提高他们。 引起的具有竞争力的产品的下一代的嵌入式的技能不能"租用中"外包和 OEM 供应关系。 在我们的视图中时他们砍什么他们误以为只是"成本中心"的外部供应商的内部投资太多的企业不自觉地有交的核心能力。

Consider Chrysler. Unlike Honda, it has tended to view engines and power trains as simply one more component. Chrysler is becoming increasingly dependent on Mitsubishi and Hyundai: between 1985 and 1987, the number of outsourced engines went from 252,000 to 382,000. It is difficult to imagine Honda yielding manufacturing responsibility, much less design, of so critical a part of a car's function to an outside company which is why Honda has made such an enormous commitment to Formula One auto racing. Honda has been able to pool its engine related technologies; it has parlayed these into a corporate wide competency from which it develops world beating products, despite R&D budgets smaller than those of GM and Toyota. 考虑克莱斯勒。 与本田,不同的是它有倾向于视图引擎和动力火车作为只是一个更多的组件。 克莱斯勒正变得越来越依赖于三菱与现代: 1985年至 1987年外判的引擎数从去 252,000 382,000。 很难想象本田屈服少得多的设计如此重要的一辆车一以外的公司,这就是为什么本田已这样一个巨大的承诺,为 f1 赛车的自动功能部件的制造责任。 本田已能够池其引擎相关技术 ; 它有 parlayed 这些公司的广泛能力,从中得清楚了,尽管研发预算较通用汽车、 丰田的世界心脏不停跳产品。

Of course, it is perfectly possible for a company to have a competitive product line up but be a laggard in developing core competencies at least for a while. If a company wanted to enter the copier business today, it would find a dozen Japanese companies more than willing to supply copiers on the basis of an OEM private label. But when fundamental technologies changed or if its supplier decided to enter the market directly and become a competitor, that company's product line, along with all of its investments in marketing and distribution, could be vulnerable. Outsourcing can provide a shortcut to a more competitive product, but it typically contributes little to building the people embodied skills that are needed to sustain product leadership. 当然,这是完全可能为一家公司,以有竞争力的产品线最多,但会在发展中的大屏核心能力至少一段时间。 如果一家公司想要今天输入复印机业务,它会找出一打日本公司乐意提供一个 OEM 的私人标签的基础上的复印机。 但基本技术问题发生更改时,或如果其供应商决定直接进入市场,成为竞争对手可能受到一起的所有营销和销售,在其投资表示的该公司的产品线。 外包可以提供一个更具竞争力的产品的快捷方式,但它通常有助于少建设人民体现,以保持产品领先地位的技能。

Nor is it possible for a company to have an intelligent alliance or sourcing strategy if it has not made a choice about where it will build competence leadership. Clearly, Japanese companies have benefited from alliances. They've used them to learn from Western partners who were not fully committed to preserving core competencies of their own. As we've argued in these pages before, learning within an alliance takes a positive commitment of resources- travel, a pool of dedicated people, test bed facilities, time to internalize and test what has been learned. A company may not make this effort if it doesn't have clear goals for competence building. 也不可能有智能联盟或采购策略,如果未有一个选择,它将生成能力领导的公司。 显然,日本公司受惠的联盟。 他们用他们学习西方的伙伴而没有完全致力于维护自己的核心竞争力。 我们已经认为在这些页之前,联盟内的学习需要积极的承诺的旅游资源、 一池的专用的人、 测试床设施、 时间内在化和测试已学到什么。 如果它没有明确的目标,进行能力建设,一家公司可作出这种努力。

Another way of losing is forgoing opportunities to establish competencies that are evolving in


