


senior executives discussed the implications of the evolving information technology industry, no commonly accepted view of which competencies would be required to compete in that industry were communicated widely. While significant staff work was done to identify key technologies, senior line managers continued to act as if they were managing independent business units. Decentralization made it difficult to focus on core competencies. Instead, individual businesses became increasingly dependent on outsiders for critical skills, and collaboration became a route to staged exits. Today, with a new management team in place, GTE has repositioned itself to apply its competencies to emerging markets in telecommunications services. 这种不清晰的战略意图和战略体系结构似乎存在于低。 虽然高层管理人员讨论不断变化的信息技术产业的影响,不普遍接受的能力将需要竞争在这行业被广泛传达的视图。 而做重大工作人员工作的目的是为了确定关键技术,高级管理人员将继续采取行动,如果他们管理独立的业务单位。 权力下放,因此难以专注于核心能力。 相反,个体经营成为越来越多地依赖于外界的重要技能和协作成为分阶段退出的路由。 重新今天,在地方一个的新的管理团队与低了定位本身将其能力应用于电讯服务的新兴市场。

The Roots of Competitive Advantage 根的竞争优势

The distinction we observed in the way NEC and GTE conceived of themselves a portfolio of competencies versus a portfolio of businesses was repeated across many industries. From 1980 to 1988, Canon grew by 264%, Honda by 200%. Compare that with Xerox and Chrysler. And if Western managers were once anxious about the low cost and high quality of Japanese imports, they are now over;whelmed by the pace at which Japanese rivals are inventing new markets, creating new products, and enhancing them. Canon has given us personal copiers; Honda has moved from motorcycles to four wheel off road buggies. Sony developed the 8mm camcorder, Yamaha, the digital piano. Komatsu developed an underwater remote controlled bulldozer, while Casio's latest gambit is a small screen color LCD television. Who would have anticipated the evolution of these vanguard markets? NEC 和低设想自己的一套完整的能力与企业的投资组合的方式,我们发现的区别被重复许多行业。 从一九八 ○ 至 1988年佳能增长 200%本田 264%。 施乐公司和克莱斯勒公司进行比较。 而一旦担心日本进口的低成本、 高质量西方经理要是他们现在 ; whelmed 由日本的竞争对手是发明新的市场、 创造新产品和提高他们的步伐。 佳能给了我们个人复印机 ; 本田已从摩托车移至四轮路 buggies 关闭。 索尼开发数码钢琴雅马哈,8mm 摄像机。 小松开发远程水下控制的推土机卡西欧的最新开场白时小屏幕彩色液晶电视。 谁将预期这些先锋市场的演变?

In more established markets, the Japanese challenge has been just as disquieting. Japanese companies are generating a blizzard of features and functional enhancements that bring technological sophistication to everyday products. Japanese car producers have been pioneering four wheel steering, four valve-per cylinder engines, in car navigation systems, and sophisticated electronic engine management systems. On the strength of its product features, Canon is now a player in facsimile transmission machines, desktop laser printers, even semiconductor manufacturing equipment. 在更多建立市场,日本的挑战就是一样令人担忧。 日本公司正在生成的功能和功能的增强功能,使日常产品技术先进的暴风雪。 日本的汽车生产商都已开拓四轮转向,四个阀每缸引擎,汽车导航系统和先进的电子发动机管理系统中。 它的产品功能的力量佳能现在是一个传真传送机、 桌面激光打印机、 甚至半导体制造设备的球员。 In the short run, a company's competitiveness derives from the price/performance attributes of current products. But the survivors of the first wave of global competition, Western and Japanese alike, are all converging on similar and formidable standards for product cost and quality


