


SBU Core Competence Basis for competition Competitiveness 竞争竞争力 SBU 核心能力基础

of today’s products Interfirm competition to build competencies Corporate structure Portfolio of businesses related in product-market terms Portfolio of competencies, core products, and businesses Status of the business unit Autonomy is sacrosanct; the SBU “owns” all resources other than cash SBU is a potential reservoir of core competencies Resource allocation Discrete businesses are the unit of analysis, capital is allocated business by business Businesses and competencies are the unit of analysis: top management allocates capital and talent Value added of top management Optimizing corporate returns through capital allocation trade-offs among businesses Enunciating strategic architecture and building competencies to secure the future 今天的产品企业的竞争,建立企业结构的相关产品市场方面的能力、 核心产品和企业的业务单元自治地位的企业的能力是神圣不可侵犯 ; 该 SBU"拥有"所有资源以外现金 SBU 是一个潜在的资源分配离散企业的核心能力水库是分析单位、 资本分配业务的商业企业和能力是分析单位: 最高管理层分配资金和人才价值的最高管理层优化公司返回通过业务资金拨付权衡增加 Enunciating 战略体系结构和建立安全的未来的能力

The Tyranny of the SBU 在 SBU 的 Tyranny

The new terms of competitive engagement cannot be understood using analytical tools devised to manage the diversified corporation of 20 years ago, when competition was primarily domestic (GE versus Westinghouse, General Motors versus Ford) and all the key players were speaking the language of the same business schools and consultancies. Old prescriptions have potentially toxic side effects. The need for new principles is most obvious in companies the corporation are summarized in "Two Concepts of the Corporation: SBU or Core Competence.” 不能使用分析工具来管理 20 年前当竞争是主要是国内的多元化的公司制定与西屋 GE 通用汽车与福特) 理解竞争聘用的新条款,主要说这种语言的同一商业学校和咨询。 旧处方有可能有毒副作用。 需要新的原则是最明显中概述了该公司的公司",公司的两个概念: SBU 或核心竞争力。"

Obviously, diversified corporations have a portfolio of products and a portfolio of businesses. But we believe in a view of the company as a portfolio of competencies as well. U.S. companies do not lack the technical resources to build competencies, but their top management often lacks the vision to build them and the administrative means for assembling resources spread across multiple businesses. A shift in commitment will inevitably influence patterns of diversification, skill deployment, resource allocation priorities, and approaches to alliances and outsourcing. 很明显,多元化的公司有一套的产品和企业的投资组合。 但我们相信,公司的视图中作的能力以及组合。 美国公司做不是缺乏技术的资源建设能力,但其最高管理层通常缺乏远见,建立他们和装配资源分布在多个企业的行政手段。 转而承诺不可避免地会影响模式的多样化、 技能部署、 资源分配的优先事项和联盟和外判的方法。

We have described the three different planes on which battles for global leadership are waged core competence, core products, and end products. A corporation has to know whether it is winning or losing on each plane. By sheer weight of investment, a company might be able to beat its rivals to blue sky technologies yet still lose the race to build core competence leadership. If a company is winning the race to build core competencies (as opposed to building leadership in a few technologies), it will almost certainly outpace rivals in new business development. If a company is winning the race to capture world manufacturing share in core products, it will probably outpace rivals in improving product features and the price/performance ratio. 我们描


