


"C&C" Success, top management reckoned, would hinge on acquiring competencies, particularly in semiconductors. Management adopted an appropriate "strategic architecture," summarized by C&C, and then communicated its intent to the whole organization and the outside world during the mid 1970s. NEC 与低,又有教育意义,只有一个的很多这种情况比较下我们分析,以了解全球领导地位不断变化的基础。 早在的七十 NEC 阐述利用的计算收敛性的战略意图和它所要求的最高管理层认为,"科技-"成功的通信将取决于获得特别是在半导体的能力。 管理通过一个适当"战略结构,"由 C 科技统计汇总,然后在 70 年代中期传达其意图整个组织和外面的世界。

NEC constituted a "C&C Committee" of top managers to oversee the development of core products and core competencies. NEC put in place coordination groups and committees that cut across the interests of individual businesses. Consistent with its strategic architecture, NEC shifted enormous resources to strengthen its position in components and central processors. By using collaborative arrangements to multiply internal resources, NEC was able to accumulate a broad array of core competencies. NEC 构成一个科技-委员会"的高层管理人员监督的核心产品和核心能力的发展。 NEC 放的地方协调组之间的个体工商户的利益的委员会。 根据其战略体系结构 NEC 转向巨大资源,加强其在组件和中央处理器的地位。 通过使用要乘的内部资源的协作安排,NEC 得以积累了广泛的核心能力。

NEC carefully identified three interrelated streams of technological and market evolution. Top management determined that computing would evolve from large mainframes to distributed processing, components from simple ICs to VLSI, and communications from mechanical cross bar exchange to complex digital systems we now call ISDN. As things evolved further, NEC reasoned, the computing, communications, and components businesses would so overlap that it would be very hard to distinguish among them, and that there would be enormous opportunities for any company that had built the competencies needed to serve all three markets. NEC 仔细确定了三个相互关联的流的技术和市场的发展。 最高管理层已确定计算将分布式处理集成电路,从简单的 ic 组件逐渐从大大型机和复杂的数字系统从机械的交叉线交换通信我们现在称之为 ISDN。 事情演变进一步,NEC 议论,计算,通讯,以及组件业务等相互重叠,将很难区分他们,而有巨大的机会,建立了能力的任何公司需要为所有的三个市场服务。

NEC top management determined that semiconductors would be the company's most important "core product." It entered into myriad strategic alliances over 100 as of 1987 aimed at building competencies rapidly and at low cost. In mainframe computers, its most noted relationship was with Honeywell and Bull. Almost all the collaborative arrangements in the semiconductor component field were oriented toward technology access. As they entered collaborative arrangements, NEC’s operating managers understood the rationale for these alliances and the goal of internalizing partner skills. NEC's director of research summed up its competence acquisition during the 1970s and 1980s this way: "From an investment standpoint, it was much quicker and cheaper to use foreign technology. There wasn't a need for us to develop new ideas.” NEC 最高管理层已确定半导体将是该公司的最重要"核心产品"。 它进入了无数的战略联盟,为 1987 年的超过 100 个旨在迅速建立能力和低成本。 其最著名的关系在大型计算机与霍尼韦尔和牛。 在半导体组件字段中的几乎所有协作安排是面向技术访问。 并输入当局就这些参数的协作安排 NEC 的经营管理人员明白这些联盟和目标的内在化合作伙伴技能的理由。 总结在七十年代和八十年代期间能力取得这种方式的 NEC 的研究部主任:"从一个投资角度来看它是得又快又便宜使用国外技术。 有不是我们发展新的想法。

No such clarity of strategic intent and strategic architecture appeared to exist at GTE. Although


