


who embody competence. 一旦最高管理层 (与部门的帮助和 SBU 经理),确定了总体能力,它必须要求企业以确定项目和与他们有密切的人。 公司的人员应指示位置、 数量和体现能力的人的质量的审核。

This sends an important signal to middle managers: core competencies are corporate resources and may be reallocated by corporate management. An individual business doesn't own anybody. SBUs are entitled to the services of individual employees so long as it is pursuing yields the highest possible pay off on the investment in their skills. This message is further underlined if each year in the strategic planning or budgeting process, unit managers must justify their hold on the people who carry the company's core competencies. 将一个重要的信号发送给中层管理人员: 核心能力是公司的资源,可由公司管理层重新分配。 一个单独的业务不会自己的任何人。 SBUs 有权个别雇员的服务,只要它追求的产量最高可能还清对投资的他们的技能。 此消息进一步强调指出,如果每年战略规划或预算编制过程中单位管理人员必须证明他们坚持执行公司的核心能力的人。

Elements of Canon's core competence in optics are spread across businesses as diverse as cameras, copiers, and semiconductor lithographic equipment and are shown in "Core Competencies at Canon.” When Canon identified an opportunity in digital laser printers, it gave SBU managers the right to raid other SBUS to pull together the required pool of talent. When Canon's reprographics products division undertook to develop microprocessor-controlled copiers, it turned to the photo products group, which had developed the world's first microprocessor controlled camera. 佳能的核心竞争力在光学中的元素分布在照相机、 复印机和半导体制版设备等不同的企业和所示"在佳能的核心竞争力"。 佳能在确定数字激光打印机中的机会它给予 SBU 管理人员搜查其他 SBUS 一起拉人才的需要的池的权利。 当佳能的复印产品部门着手开发微机控制复印机时,结果到了世界上第一个微处理器控制摄像机的照片产品组。 Also, reward systems that focus only on product line results and career paths that seldom cross SBU boundaries engender patterns of behavior among unit managers that are destructively competitive. At NEC, divisional managers come together to identify next generation competencies. Together they decide how much investment needs to be made to build up each future competency and the contribution in capital and staff support that each division will need to make. There is also a sense of equitable exchange. One division may make a disproportionate contribution or may benefit less from the progress made, but such short term inequalities will balance out over the long term. 此外,只侧重于产品线结果和很少跨越 SBU 边界的职业发展道路的奖励系统产生破坏性具竞争力的单位管理人员之间的行为的模式。 NEC,部门经理一起找出下一代的能力。 一起他们决定多少投资需要对其进行建立的每个未来的能力和在资本和工作人员的支持,每个分部将需要进行的贡献。 也是交流的一种公平。 一个司可能作出不成比例的贡献或可获益少,进展,但长远来看将平衡这种短期内不平等。

Incidentally, the positive contribution of the SBU manager should be made visible across the company. An SBU manager is unlikely to surrender key people if only the other business (or the general manager of that business who may be a competitor for promotion) is going to benefit from the redeployment. Cooperative SBU managers should be celebrated as team players. Where priorities are clear, transfers are less likely to be seen as idiosyncratic and politically motivated. 顺便提一句,SBU 经理所作的积极贡献应可见整个公司。 一个 SBU 经理不投降的关键人物,如果只其他的业务 (或总经理该业务可能促进竞争对手的人) 将受益于重新部署。 合作 SBU 管理人员应作为团队的球员庆祝。 有明确的优先事项,转让不太可能被视为特质和政治动机。


