


manager would be asked: Does the new market opportunity add to the overall goal of becoming the best player in the world? Does it exploit or add to the core competence? At Vickers, for example, diversification options have been judged in the context of becoming the best power and motion control company in the world (see the insert "Vickers Learns the Value of Strategic Architecture").体系结构此外产品和市场多样化提供一个逻辑。 一个 SBU 经理会问: 不能添加成为世界上最好的球员的整体目标的新的市场机会吗? 它不会利用或将添加到核心竞争力吗? 在维氏,,例如多样化的选项已被判断成为最佳的电源和运动控制公司在世界范围内 (请参见插入"维氏学价值的战略建筑")。

The strategic architecture should make resource allocation priorities transparent to the entire organization. It provides a template for allocation decisions by top management. It helps lower level managers understand the logic of allocation priorities and disciplines senior management to maintain consistency. In short, it yields a definition of the company and the markets it serves. 3M, Vickers, NEC, Canon, and Honda all qualify on this score. Honda knew it was exploiting what it had learned from motorcycles how to make high revving, smooth running, lightweight engines when it entered the car business. The task of creating a strategic architecture forces the organization to identify and commit to the technical and production linkages across SBUs that will provide a distinct competitive advantage. 战略体系结构应使资源分配的优先事项透明到整个组织。 它提供了一个模板分配决定的最高管理层。 它有助于了解分配的优先事项和学科高级管理层以保持一致性的逻辑的较低级别管理人员。 在短它会生成一个定义的公司,它的市场。 3 米、 维氏、 NEC、 佳能和本田所有合格的这个分数。 本田知道它利用它已经从中学到什么摩托车如何使高转速、 运行平稳、 轻量级引擎输入汽车业务时。 创建一个战略体系结构的任务强制标识并承诺技术和生产的联系将提供显著的竞争优势的 SBUs 跨组织。

It is consistency of resource allocation and the development of an administrative infrastructure appropriate to it that breathes life into a strategic architecture and creates a managerial culture, teamwork, a capacity to change, and a willingness to share resources, to protect proprietary skills, and to think long term. That is also the reason the specific architecture cannot be copied easily or overnight by competitors. Strategic architecture is a tool for communicating with customers and other external constituents. It reveals the broad direction without giving away every step. 它是一致性的资源分配和适当给它一个行政基建,呼吸到战略体系结构的生命并创建管理文化、 团队精神、 有能力改变,愿意共享资源保护专有技能,并认为长期发展。 这也是特定的体系结构不能复制轻松地或一夜之间的竞争对手的原因。 战略体系结构是一种工具用于与客户和其他外部的成分进行通信。 它揭示大方向不让走每一步。

Redeploying to Exploit Competencies 重新部署到开发能力

If the company's core competencies are its critical resource and if top management must ensure that competence carriers are not held hostage by some particular business, then it follows that SBUs should bid for core competencies in the same way they bid for capital. We've made this point glancingly. It is important enough to consider more deeply. 如果公司的核心竞争力是非常重要的资源,并最高管理层必须确保能力承运人不由某些特定的业务持有人质然后因此,SBUs 应以相同的方式,他们竞投资本竞投的核心能力。 我们 glancingly 了这一点。 它是重要的是更深入地考虑。

Once top management (with the help of divisional and SBU managers) has identified overarching competencies, it must ask businesses to identify the projects and people closely connected with them. Corporate officers should direct an audit of the location, number, and quality of the people


