


failed to pursue OEM supply opportunities or to look across their various product divisions in an attempt to identify opportunities for coordinated initiatives. SBU 经理传统上有相同的方式,他们已看到自己的竞争对手构思。 整体上他们已经没有注意到亚洲竞争对手放在建设中的核心产品领导的重视,或了解世界制造领导和维持发展步伐核心竞争力的能力之间的重要联系。 他们已经没有追求 OEM 供应机会,或试图确定协调的主动行动的机会看跨其各种产品部门。

Imprisoned Resources. As an SBU evolves, it often develops unique competencies. Typically, the people who embody this competence are seen as the sole property of the business in which they grew up. The manager of another SBU who asks to borrow talented people is likely to get a cold rebuff. SBU managers are not only unwilling to lend their competence carriers but they may actually hide talent to prevent its redeployment in the pursuit of new opportunities. This may be compared to residents of an underdeveloped country hiding most of their cash under their mattresses. The benefits of competencies, like the benefits of the money supply, depend on the velocity of their circulation as well as on the size of the stock the company holds. 被监禁的资源。 一个 SBU 随着它往往开发独特的能力。 通常,体现了这种能力的人被视为他们长大了的业务的专有财产。 另一个 SBU 经理询问借有天赋的人很容易冷的钉子。 SBU 经理人不仅不肯借给他们能力运营商,但他们实际上可能会隐藏人才来防止其重新部署,在追求新的机会。 这可比作一个隐藏其床垫下其现金最不发达国家的居民。 像在银根的好处的能力的好处取决于其循环的速度,以及公司持有的股票的大小。

Western companies have traditionally had an advantage in the stock of skills they possess. But, have they been able to reconfigure them quickly to respond to new opportunities? Canon, NEC, and Honda have had a lesser stock of the people and technologies that compose core competencies but could move them much quicker from one business unit to another. Corporate R&D spending at Canon is not fully indicative of the size of Canon's core competence stock and tells the casual observer nothing about the velocity with which Canon is able to move core competencies to exploit opportunities. 西方公司传统上有优势的技能,他们所拥有的股票。 但他们已经能够重新配置他们迅速回应新的机会吗? 佳能、 NEC 和本田有较小的人和技术,撰写的核心能力但可以动得更快地从一个业务单位为另一种股票。 佳能公司研发开支不充分表明佳能的核心能力股票的大小,什么也不告诉临时观察员,关于佳能是能够移动核心能力利用机会的速度。

When competencies become imprisoned, the people who carry the competencies do not get assigned to the most exciting opportunities, and their skills begin to atrophy. Only by fully leveraging core competencies can small companies like Canon afford to compete with industry giants like Xerox. How strange that SBU managers, who are perfectly willing to compete for cash in the capital budgeting process, are unwilling to compete for people the company's most precious asset. We find it ironic that top management devotes so much attention to the capital budgeting process yet typically has no comparable mechanism for allocating the human skills that embody core competencies. Top managers are seldom able to look four or five levels down into the organization, identify the people who embody critical competencies, and move them across organizational I boundaries. 当能力成为被监禁时,执行能力的人做不获取分配给最令人兴奋的机会,和他们的技能开始萎缩。 只有通过充分利用核心能力像佳能小公司能够像富士施乐行业巨头与竞争。 如何很奇怪那些很愿意争夺资本预算过程中的现金的 SBU 经理不愿意人公司争夺的最宝贵的资产。 我们觉得很讽刺的是最高管理层这么多关注资本预算过程,但通常有没有可比的机制,用于分配人类体现的核心能力的技巧。 高层管理人员很少能看


