


architecture that guides the competence acquisition process. We believe an obsession with competence building will characterize the global winners of the 1990s. With the decade underway, the time for rethinking the concept of the corporation is already overdue. 也不能最高管理层,它通常是激进的权力下放的制度中的会计整合只是另一层。 最高管理层必须通过阐述指导能力习得过程的战略体系结构添加值。 我们相信能力建设的迷恋将描述在 1990 年代的全球得奖者。 在十年进行,为法团的概念的再思考时间已过期。

Vickers Looms the Value of Strategic Architecture 维氏织机战略体系结构的价值

The idea that top management should develop a corporate strategy for acquiring and deploying core competencies is relatively new in most U.S. companies. There are a few exceptions. An early convert was Trinova (previously Libbey Owens Ford), a Toledo based corporation, which enjoys a worldwide position in power and motion controls and engineered plastics. One of its major divisions is Vickers, a premier supplier of hydraulics components like valves, pumps, actuators, and filtration devices to aerospace, marine, defense, automotive, earth moving, and industrial markets. 最高管理层应发展取得和部署的核心能力的企业战略的想法是大多数美国公司在较新的。 有一些例外情况。 早期的转换是 Trinova (以前 Libbey 欧文斯福特) 的电源和运动的控件中的全球地位和工程塑料的一个基于托莱多法团。 维氏总理像阀门、 泵、 执行机构和航空航天、 船舶、 防御,汽车、 地球移动,和工业市场的过滤装置的液压系统组件供应商是其主要的部门之一。

Vickers saw the potential for a transformation of its traditional business with the application of electronics disciplines in combination with its traditional technologies. The goal was "to ensure that change in technology does not displace Vickers from its customers.” This, to be sure, was initially a defensive move: Vickers recognized that unless it acquired new skills, it could not protect existing markets or capitalize on new growth opportunities. Managers at Vickers attempted to conceptualize the likely evolution of (a) technologies relevant to the power and motion control business, (b) functionalities that would satisfy emerging customer needs, and (c) new competencies needed to creatively manage the marriage of technology and customer needs. 维氏看见其传统的业务与电子学科及其传统技术结合的应用程序的转换的潜力。 目标是"以确保其客户从技术改变不会取代维氏。 这,以确保最初是防御性的一步: 维氏承认除非它获得新技能,它无法保护现有市场或利用新的增长机会。 维氏管理人员试图概念化可能演变的 (a) 有关电源和运动控制业务,(b) 功能以满足新出现的客户需要和 (c) 新的能力,创造性地管理技术和客户需求的婚姻所需的技术。

Despite pressure for short term earnings, top management looked to a 10 to 15 year time horizon in developing a map of emerging customer needs, changing technologies, and the core competencies that would be necessary to bridge the gap between the two. Its slogan was "Into the 21st Century." (A simplified version of the overall architecture developed is shown here.) 尽管短期收益的压力最高管理层期望在发展新出现的更改科技有必要两者之间的差距的核心能力的客户需求的地图的 10 至 15 年时间范围。 它的口号是"到了 21 世纪。 (开发的总的体系结构的简化的版本是显示在这里。

Vickers is currently in fluid power components. The architecture identifies two additional competencies, electric power components and electronic controls. A systems integration capability that would unite hardware, software, and service was also targeted for development. 流体传动组件当前维氏。 体系结构标识两个额外的能力、 电力组件和电子控制。 此外为发展目标是将团结起来的硬件、 软件和服务的系统集成能力。

The strategic architecture, as illustrated by the Vickers example, is not a forecast of specific


