


Transfers for the sake of building core competence must be recorded and appreciated in the corporate memory. It is reasonable to expect a business that has surrendered core skills on behalf of corporate opportunities in other areas to lose, for a time, some of its competitiveness. If these losses in performance bring immediate censure, SBUs will be unlikely to assent to skills transfers next time. 转让,为了建立核心竞争力必须记录和公司的内存中表示赞赏。 它是合理的期望已失去一次其竞争力的一些其他地区企业机会的名义移交的核心技能的业务。 如果这些损失性能带立即谴责,SBUs 将可能同意技能转移到下一次。

Finally, there are ways to wean key employees off the idea that they belong in perpetuity to any particular business. Early in their careers, people may be exposed to a variety of businesses through a carefully planned rotation program. At Canon, critical people move regularly between the camera business and the copier business and between the copier business and the professional optical products business. In midcareer, periodic assignments to cross divisional project teams may be necessary both for diffusing core competencies and for loosening the bonds that might tie an individual to one business even when brighter opportunities beckon elsewhere. Those who embody critical core competencies should know that their careers are tracked and guided by corporate human resource professionals. In the early 1980s at Canon, all engineers under 30 were invited to apply for membership on a seven person committee that was to spend two years plotting Canon's future direction, including its strategic architecture. 最后,有小儿关闭他们属于永久任何特定的业务理念核心员工的方法。 在他们的职业生涯早期人可能会接触到各种精心规划的旋转程序通过业务。 佳能,在关键的人定期移动相机业务及复印机业务以及复印机商业与专业光学产品业务。 在 midcareer,定期的分配,以跨部门的项目团队在地理位置上可能需要传播的核心能力和松动可能配合一个人在一个业务,即使在明亮的机会招手其他地方的债券。 体现的关键核心能力的人应该知道自己的事业是跟踪和指导企业人力资源专业人员。 于八十年代初期,在佳能所有工程师 30 获邀申请,是要花两年绘制佳能的未来方向的七人委员会的成员包括其战略的体系结构。

Competence carriers should be regularly brought together from across the corporation to trade notes and ideas. The goal is to build a strong feeling of community among these people. To a great extent, their loyalty should be to the integrity of the core competence area they represent and not just to particular businesses. In traveling regularly, talking frequently to customers, and meeting with peers, competence carriers may be encouraged to discover new market opportunities. 能力承运人应定期一起从跨公司贸易说明和想法。 目标是社会的建立一个强烈的感觉的这些人之间。 一个很大的程度上,他们的忠诚应该是他们所代表的核心能力方面的完整性,并不只是特定的业务。 在定期旅行,经常交谈的客户,并与同行,满足能力载体可鼓励发现新的市场机会。

Core competencies are the wellspring of new business development. They should constitute the focus for strategy at the corporate level. Managers have to win manufacturing leadership in core products and capture global share through brand building programs aimed at exploiting economies of scope. Only if the company is conceived of as a hierarchy of core competencies, core products, and market focused business units will it be fit to fight. 新业务发展的箱底的核心能力。 他们应该是在企业层面战略的重点。 管理人员必须赢得制造领导核心产品和品牌建设程序通过全球份额旨在开发范围经济的捕获。 仅当为核心能力、 核心产品和市场重点业务单位层次结构的构想是,公司将适当的打击。

Nor can top management be just another layer of accounting consolidation, which it often is in a regime of radical decentralization. Top management must add value by enunciating the strategic


