


传输和数字程控用户交换机到合资企业和关闭半导体。 作为一个结果已经削弱了通用的国际地位。 非美国税收收入总额的百分比从 20%降至 1980 年至 1988年的 15%。

NEC has emerged as the world leader in semiconductors and as a first tier player in telecommunications products and computers. It has consolidated its position in mainframe computers. It has moved beyond public switching and transmission to include such lifestyle products as mobile telephones, facsimile machines, and laptop computers bridging the gap between telecommunications and office automation. NEC is the only company in the world to be in the top five in revenue in telecommunications, semiconductors, and mainframes. Why did these two companies, starting with comparable business portfolios, perform so differently? Largely because NEC conceived of itself in terms of "core competencies," and GTE did not. NEC 出现了作为全球领先的半导体和电讯产品或计算机中的第一层球员。 它巩固了其在大型计算机的地位。 它已经超出公共交换和传输包括手提电话、 传真机器和膝上型计算机之间通讯及办公自动化的桥梁等生活方式产品。 NEC 是世界唯一的收入在电信、 半导体和大型机的前五名的公司。 为什么这些类似的业务组合从开始的两个公司等以不同的方式是否执行? 主要是因为 NEC 构思本身的"拿手好戏"和低了不。

Rethinking the Corporation 该公司的再思考

Once, the diversified corporation could simply point its business units at particular end product markets and admonish them to become world leaders. But with market boundaries changing ever more quickly, targets are elusive and capture is at best temporary. A few companies have proven themselves adept at inventing new markets, quickly entering emerging markets, and dramatically shifting patterns of customer choice in established markets. These are the ones to emulate. The critical task for management is to create an organization capable of infusing products with irresistible functionality or, better yet, creating products that customers need but have not yet even imagined) 一次,多元化的公司可以只点及其业务部门,在特定的最终产品市场并劝戒他们成为世界各国领导人。 但市场与以往任何时候都更快地改变的边界的目标是可望而不可及处于最佳的临时捕获。 几个公司已证明自己擅长发明新的市场、 快速进入新兴市场和显著转变的客户可以选择在既定的市场格局。 这些都是模仿的。 管理的关键任务是创建一个组织能对输注产品具有不可抗拒的功能或更好地尚未创建客户需要,但还未有甚至想象的产品)

This is a deceptively difficult task. Ultimately, it requires radical change in the management of major companies. It means, first of all, that top managements of Western companies must assume responsibility for competitive decline. Everyone knows about high interest rates, Japanese protectionism, outdated antitrust laws, obstreperous unions, and impatient investors. What is harder to see, or harder to acknowledge, is how little added momentum companies actually get from political or macroeconomic "relief." Both the theory and practice of Western management have created a drag on our forward motion. It is the principles of management that are in need of reform. 这是一个走困难的任务。 最终,它需要彻底的改变大公司的管理。 第一次的所有它意味着西方公司的高层管理人员必须承担竞争力下降的责任。 大家都知道有关高利率、 日本的保护主义、 过时的反托拉斯法、 恣意工会和不耐烦的投资者。 什么是难见的或难以承认,是多么少添加动力公司实际上得到从政治或宏观经济"救济。" 理论与实践的西方管理已创建一拖上我们前进的运动。 它是管理的有需要改革原则。

NEC versus GTE, again, is instructive and only one of many such comparative cases we analyzed to understand the changing basis for global leadership. Early in the 1970s, NEC articulated a strategic intent to exploit the convergence of computing and communications, what it called


