


Research on business process optimization of international freight forwarders —— A case study of LWL/SZX

[Abstract]In recent years, the export demand of domestic and foreign trade enterprises continues to expand, the competition of international freight forwarding industry intensifies, and the freight forwarding activities become more and more busy. The whole freight forwarding industry has an urgent need for efficient and convenient business process control. It is very important to improve the freight forwarding operation efficiency and increase the profit margin through business process optimization. Firstly, this paper focuses on the theory and business of value chain Based on the analysis of relevant process theories, the value of international freight forwarding industry and the current situation of business process, this paper takes LWL/SZX as an example to analyze the problems existing in the air transport business process, and proposes value-added solutions based on the value chain analysis to eliminate unnecessary operations. In view of LWL/SZX, it puts forward the optimization plan from three aspects: information system, personnel establishment and differential customs declaration service. It is hoped that through the in-depth study on the air transport business process of international freight forwarding enterprises, it will have certain reference significance for the development of freight forwarding companies.

[Keywords] Value chain International freight forwarding Air transport business process

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