


夺冠 take the crown

反对使用兴奋剂 oppose the use of performance-enhancing drugs

符合举办奥运会的要求 meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games

更具进攻性 become more aggressive

鼓舞队员的士气 boost the morale of the team members

获得认可 gain recognition

获得团体冠军 win the team title

激发中国青年的雄心壮志 fuel the ambitions of Chinese youths

急于获胜 gain an eagerness to win

建立职业联赛和俱乐部 set up a professional league and clubs

角逐世界杯 compete for the World Cup

满意抽签结果 satisfy with the draw

面对强手 face strong rivals

鸣笛终止比赛 blow a whistle to stop the end of the match

配备各种设施 furnish and equip with all facilities

取得经验 gain experience

取得世界杯决赛资格 qualify for the World Cup finals

确保中国进入决赛 ensure China’s appearance in the final

申奥 bid (apply) for being the host country of the Olympics

失去男子单打冠军 miss out on men’s singles gold

实现零的突破 fulfill the zero (gold medal, medal, etc) breakthrough

使其他选手相形见绌 dwarf other athletes

使生命焕发活力 wake up one’s life

使中国以3∶2取胜 give the Chinese a 3-2 victory

提出比赛建议 make comments on the contests

提高中国队的水平 raise the level of the Chinese team

精神和实践能力为重点的 and emphasizing creativity and practice


使英语达到更高水平 push one’s English to a higher level

受到…的关注 receive attention from

疏导游客 divert tourists

疏通关系 lubricate relationships

树立企业良好形象 foster a good and healthy company image 刷卡, 划卡 punch the card; stamp the card

陶冶情操 cultivate one’s taste (temperament)

提倡文明的生活方式 advocate civilized lifestyle (way of life)

提高公务员的综合素质 improve the overall quality of civil servants

提高全民反毒品的意识 raise the consciousness of the entire people vs. drugs 提高知名度 raise one’s prestige

提供受教育机会 offer a chance of education

通过资格考试 pass qualification examinations

透过现象看本质 see through the appearance to perceive the


