


减少机动车辆 reduce the number of vehicles

减少浪费 reduce waste

揭开人类生命的奥秘 decode the secret of human life

进一步加快环保规划 further speed up environmental protection plans

禁止露天焚烧 prohibit burning out in the open

开展保护野生动物宣传教育 advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals 开展绿色活动 advocate green activities

扩建管道网络 expand the pipe network

普及环保知识 popularize environmental protection knowledge 窃取密码 snatch password

窃取知识产权 lift intellectual property

实行严格的机动车排放标准 implement strict vehicle emission standards

使电脑死机 crash computers

使用再生纸 use recycle paper

探索…的奥秘 probe the mysteries of

淘汰或改造燃煤锅炉 eliminate or convert coal-burning boilers

提高环境管理水平 raise the environmental management level

提高居民的环保和生态意识 improve residents’ environmental and ecological awareness 提高清洁能源的比重 increase the supply of clean energy resources

投放电脑病毒 unleash viruses

完善城市基础设施建设 perfect the construction of urban infrastructure

为大量野生动植物提供栖息地 provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants 为人类提供水和食物 supply water and food for human beings

享受国家一级保护 enjoy first-class protection of the State

削减污物排放 decrease the disposal of pollutants

抑制传染病的传播 strain the spread of infectious diseases

引发一系列的问题 result in a series of problems

预防爱滋病蔓延 prevent the widespread of AIDS

增强环境意识 enhance the awareness of the importance of (raise the consciousness about) environmental protection

战胜非典 defeat SARS

治理沙地和水土流失问题 tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion

注重节约资源 attach importance to saving resources


不服从父母 disobey their parents 倡导人力资源管理 advocate the management of human resources

调查性和婚姻状况 conduct a survey on sex and marriage 对子女寄予厚望 pin great hopes on their children 反映人们的私生活 reflect people’s private lives 鼓励创建文明家庭 encourage the idea of “Civilized Families”

过孤独的生活 lead an isolated life 坚持计划生育的基本国策 stick to the basic state policy for family planning

进行全国人口普查 carry out national population census 禁止他人作克隆人的实验 inhibit others from doing human cloning experiments

开辟人类历史新纪元 start a new chapter in the history of human

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