

哈哈 不错哟


1. of failure to fulfill its promise to improve urban traffic conditions/ of failing to fulfill its

promise to improve urban traffic conditions

2. can we adapt (ourselves) to the society quickly after we graduate

3. had I lit the c 鈴懖 灻缗 /event/©版权所有沪江网 缗灻

懖鈴 andle than it was put out

4. had no choice but to surrender on the spot

5. my boss has generously agreed to write off my debt in return for certain services


1. People _______________(往往会发胖)after giving up cigarettes because they turn to snacks as

a substitute.

2. The frightened child _______________(紧紧抓住母亲的手臂).

3. If we want to ________________(提前一个月完成这项工程的话),we have to hurry with it.

4. When he succeeded in finishing his design,the technician _______________(似乎忘乎所以


5. He is the sort of person ________________(你永远琢磨不透他讲的话).


1. tend to put on weight

2. grips his mother’s arm

3. complete the project a month ahead of time

4. seemed to let himself go

5. whose words you never can make out


1. Being out of work and having two young children, (夫妻俩发现勉强维持生计是不可能的).

2. Generally speaking, (按照说明服用

时),the drug has no side effect.

3. Some people argue that most crime (可归咎于对金钱的贪婪).

4. (发现

很难适应那里的气候),he decided to move back to the north. 我要高分

5. Over a third of the population was estimated (没有机会享受医疗保健服务).


1. the couple found it impossible to make ends meet

2. when taken according to the direction/instruction

3. can be attributed to the greed for money

4. Finding it difficult to adapt to the climate there

5. to have no access to the health service


1.They are going to (紧急情况时调动军队).

2. Swimming in the sea (有助于增进体力和毅力).

3. They called on Black people to (反对征召黑人青年当兵).

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