


I do not find on televison the kind of editorials chronic(社論)the New York tabloids as well as in many local papers across the country .在电视上我从未看到过纽约的小报以及全国许多地方报纸上常年出现的那种社论。

A newspaper has the right ----the duty even ----to assume an attitude , to take a position . But it has an equally sacred(神聖的)right to explain that position in the light of the opposing one , to document that position , and to bolster(証實) it , not with emotion but with fact . 报纸有权利甚至有责任具有某种态度、采取某一立场,但它也有同样神圣的权利参照对立的观点来解释自己的立场,通过翔实的材料来证实这一立场,并运用事实而不是感情来支持这一立场。

Here , of course , is where background information helps the public to draw its conclusions . 当然这便是背景知识能帮助公众得出自己的结论之处。

TV does a great deal of this in the form of documentaries , and you can of course say that they have the time and the money to do this and you haven‘t . Yet across this wide country , and with the exception of a handful of(少量的) syndicated columns辛迪加的专栏文章外, , I fail to find in any local paper any attempt , however minimal , to strengthen this muscle of digestion (加強領悟能力),. 电视通过纪录片在这方面做了大量的工作,当然你可以说他们有这份时间和金钱来这样做而你却没有,然而在这片广大的国土上,除了少量报业辛迪加的专栏文章外,我未能在任何地方报纸上看出任何加强人们领悟能力的努力,哪怕是极其微小的努力

without which news can neither nourish (教宜)nor inform(信息) It can only stuff(塞滿) . 缺乏这种领悟能力,人们既不能从新闻中收到教益,也无法从中获得信息,只能将头脑塞得满满当当。

Between the opinions of the editor and the bare statements of the wire services (通訊社)there is nothing , nothing , that is except a collection of snippets(小片) used as fillers between the ads and picked at random . 在编辑的见解和通讯社干巴巴的消息之间是一片空白,也就是说除了为填补广告间隙而任意选出的一些片段摘录之外,全是一无所有的空白。

One of the greatest and most justified criticisms of television has been that in appealing to the largest audience possible , it neglects minority audiences and minority tastes . 对电视最强烈也是最有道理的批评历来就是:它为了吸引最大数量的观众,忽视了少数观众以及少数人的爱好

This is still largely true . But there is , perhaps , one program a day and many , of course , on Sunday which an intelligent man or woman can enjoy and derive interest from . 这一批评在很大程度上仍是正确的。但是也许一天会有一个节目,当然星期日会有许多个节目,是能令聪明智慧的男女喜欢并产生兴趣的。

In my trips east or west or north or south , I pick up the local paper to find this enjoyment or interest ---in vain(都未能如願) . Now , surely there‘s something wrong here .

在我走南闯北的旅行中,每次拿起当地的报纸寻找我喜欢并感兴趣的东西,都未能如愿,显然这里存在着某种问题。 Many of these places I ve visited ---and I m sure this is true of the whole country -----have college communities where highly intelligent and talented people live , whether they are teachers or doctors or lawyers or musicians or scientists . 我去过的那些地方许多都有大学社区——我相信在全国各地都是如此——那儿生活着极其聪颖、才华横溢的人们,不论是教师还是医生、律师、音乐家或科学家

What is there for them in the paper , usually the only paper , of their town ? What features are provided for these people ? What stimulation ? How many times have I heard them say ― If you want to see what a really bad paper is like , read our sheet ―?。。在当地的报纸上,通常那还是惟一的一家报纸,有什么可供他们阅读的东西呢?有什么是针对这些人的特点呢?有什么促使他们思考的内容呢?有多少次我听到他们说:―你要是想看一份糟糕透顶的报纸是什么样子,那就读读我们这份吧?‖

I believe that over a period of decades newspapers have become a habit rather than a function .


They have held their franchise(特權) so long that change has become inadmissible (不許可的).


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