


Newspapers came in second : Forty –two percent said if they could only have one , they would keep television. Thirty –two per cent said if they could only have one , they would keep newspapers .

结果报纸占第二位:42%的人说,如果只能要一种,他们将保留电视;32%的人说如果只能要一种,他们将保留报纸。 Even so , newspaper people should be much happier than the magazine people , because only four per cent said they needed magazines , as against nineteen per cent for radio .


But listen to this . Mr. Roper asked these same harried (拉住的)people :‖ If you get conflicting or different reports of the same new story from radio , television , the magazines , and the newspapers , which of the four versions would you be most inclined to believe ?‖




― Thirty –two per cent believe newspapers as against thirty per cent who believe television .


But then something really strange happens . When Mr. Roper asked his guinea pigs which of these media they would be least inclined to believe , the newspapers topped the list .

但接着就出现了十分奇怪的情况。当罗帕先生问这些被调查的人在这些媒体中他们最不相信哪一个时,报纸居首位。 In a big way , too . Twenty –four per cent don‘t believe newspapers as against nine per cent who don‘t believe television .

差距也很大。24%的人不相信报纸,而 9%的不相信电视。

The fact is that although network television still allots分配 too little time to the vital service of informing the public , 事实的,尽管电视节目在为人众提供信息方面,安排的时间很少,

it does a better job in that little time than the nation‘s press as a whole .

但总的来 说就在这有限的时间内,它在全国新闻界中做得是最出色的。

And when I speak of the nation‘s press as a whole , I am not speaking of the five or six splendid newspapers ----and the one great newspaper -----which serve the world as models of responsible public information .

这里我提到的全国新闻界,不包括那五、六家尊贵的报社——其中一家重要的报社——一被当作是 全世界提供可靠消息的楷模。

I am speaking of the local press which in hundreds of American communities is the only news available , aside from those recitals(復述) of ticker tape電訊稿 that pass for radio news .

我指的是那些当地报纸。在美国的几百个社区中,除了那些把电讯稿复述一遍充当新闻广播之外,大众惟一能得到的新闻就来自这 些报纸了,而它们并没有履行对大众的义务。

Why do I think network Tv does a better job of informing than these papers ?


Well , let‘s get the partisan bit(黨派性) over with .


Television lives on advertising to an even greater extent than newspapers , and since advertising is big business , advertising is by nature Republican (親共和黨).


yet nowhere in network newscasts 網絡新聞or network commentaries 網絡實事中on current events have I encountered the intense partisanship , the often rabid bias that colors the editorial pages of the majority of newspapers in this country .


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