第五章 航行
1. Describe the duties of the watch-keeping officer when underway. 描述值班员在航行中的责任
The OOW is the Master's representative and is primarily responsible at all times for the safe navigation of the vessel and for complying with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (ColRegs 国际海上避碰规则). The officer of the navigational watch shall: 在任何时候安全航行的船舶航行值班人员是船长的代表和主要负责人,并遵守其国际海上避碰规则。航海值班人员应: (1) Keep the watch on the bridge; 保持在驾驶台值班
(2) In no circumstances leave the bridge until properly relieved by an appropriate officer; 在任何情况下,直到有人来替换驾驶台值班,否则不能离开驾驶台
(3) Notify the Master when in any doubt as to what action to take in the interests of safety; 在有任何疑问时通知船长,采取何种行动影响船安全的利益
(4) Continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel despite the presence of a pilot on board; 继续负责船舶安全航行,尽引水在船
(5) Ensure that the vessel is in hand steering in areas of high traffic density, in conditions of restricted visibility and in all hazardous navigational situations; 在交通密度系统、条件和能见度危险航行的情况确保船使用手操舵
(6) Keep a proper record during the watch on the movement and activities relating to the navigation of the vessel; 保持有效记录船舶的运转和其他相关的航行活动
(7) Use the radar at all times in areas of high traffic density and whenever restricted visibility is encountered or expected; 雷达在所有时间内使用,在高交通密集区和能见度不良的时候
(8) Check the vessel's position, course and speed at frequent intervals; 检查船舶所在位置,速度航向,在频繁的间隔时间内。
2. Describe the bridge shift changes (驾驶台换班).描述驾驶台换班 (1) Before taking over a bridge , the relieving officer must: 在驾驶台接班人必须:
Read and understand the standing orders (常规命令)issued by the master; 阅读和理解船长分负责的常规命令。
Become familiar with the steaming plan, required course and speed changes, and master's call instruction(呼叫指令); 熟悉机器的计划,规定和速度的变化,呼叫指令
Confirm the ship’s present position;确定船舶的位置
Discuss the navigational situation with the officer on watch. 和值班员讨论的航行形势
(2) Procedures for shift changes: 驾驶台换班程序
The watch officer must never leave until properly relieved by a licensed deck officer; 值班员必须永远不会离开,直到有驾驶员来换班。
The watch officer must relieve the watch on time, and the relieving officer must report to the bridge early enough; 值班员必须按时换班,接班驾驶员早点到驾驶台
The change of conn(指挥操舵的改变)must be clearly stated and logged the actual time that it took place; 清楚声明和记录实际的指挥船舶人员的改变的时间地点。 (3) Special attention: 特别的注意:
If at the time the officer of the watch is to be relieved, a maneuver of action to avoid any hazard is taking place, the relief of the officer(驾驶员的换班) should be deferred (推迟)until such action is completed;接班时船舶正在进行避让的时候,应该推迟交班,直到实际行动完成为止。
The officer of the watch should not hand over the watch(交班)to the relieving officer if he has any reason to believe that the latter is not capable to carry out his duties effectively. 如果他有任何理由相信后者是没有能力执行工作值班员看不应交给下一值班员。
3. Describe the differences between navigating in narrow channel(狭水道) and in a traffic separation scheme(分道通航制). 描述航行在在狭水道和分道通航制之间的差别
According to COLREGs Rule 9, when navigating in narrow channels: 根据国际避碰规则第九条,航行在狭窄水道:
(1) A vessl shall keep as near to the outer limit (外缘)of the channel which lies on her starboard side as safe and practicable; (1)尽可能安全的和可行的情况下船要靠水道右舷外
(2) A vessel shall not cross a narrow passage or fairway if such crossing impedes( 阻碍) the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within such channel or fairway; 如果不能安全通过的航标或航道,船舶不得过狭水道或航道
(3) Overtaking (追越)can take place only if the vessel to be overtaken (被追越船)has to take action to permit safe passing; 只有被追越船同意才允许安全通过才允许追越发生
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