


(2) The cargo list should be available and complete; 货物清单应可供使用和完整

(3) The principles and considerations on navigation safety保证航行安全应有原则和注意事项

(4) The chief officer should prepare a proper stowage plan to ensure cargoes are proper loaded on board 在航行中大幅应该准备一份合适的装载计划。

The cargo should be properly distributed on board to ensure the ship's stability and reasonable drought and trim during the voyage; 航行中货物应该适当地分布在船上确保船的稳定性和合理的吃水和纵倾 The bunkers and waters should be proper arranged on board to ensure the proper distribute the longitudinal stress; 燃料和水应该合理分配保证船舶纵向强度

The double bottom tank should be filled to improve stability. 双底压载舱应打水,提高稳定性。

(5) The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary.如果有必要货物配载图应加以修改,

4. Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board. 描述船上发生溢油的应对措施

In case of an oil spill on board, actions should be taken according to the SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan 在船上万一溢油, 根据SOPEP(船舶油污应急计划)应采取行动、 (1) Send out oil spill signals; 发出溢油信号

(2) Muster the oil clearance team to fight against the spillage; 集合清油队处理泄露。

(3) Take measures to prevent spilt oil spreading;采取措施防止油扩散 (4) Report the spillage to MSA (Marine Safety Agency 海运安全管理局)or the local pollution control; 把溢油报告给海运安全管理局或当地污染控制机构

(5) When taking actions against oil spill, the precaution should be taken for preventing second pollution. 当采取行动防备溢油,应采取措施防止二次污染。

5. Describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo. 描述杂货的合理装载

(1) General factors to be taken into account: 普通因素要考虑: A description of the cargo; 货物的描述。 The gross weight of the cargo; 货物的总重量。 The dimensions of the cargo; 货物的尺寸。

Any special properties of the cargo. 任何货物的特殊性能。 (2) Special considerations: 特殊事项:

The vessel should be fully loaded; 船应该充分装载

A reasonable drought and trim to ensure a comfortable voyage; 以确保


Have satisfactory ship's stability and strength. 令人满足的船的稳定性和强度。 问答题

1. How many classes were dangerous cargoes divided into according to the IMDG code? Can you list some? 根据《国际海运运输规则》怎么分货物的危险等级?你能列举一些吗?

According to the IMDG code, the dangerous cargoes are divided into 9 classes: 根据《国际海运运输规则》货物的危险等级共有9种 Class 1: explosives (爆炸物) Class 2: Gases; 气体

Class 3: flammable liquids (易燃液体); Class 4: flammable solids (易燃固体);

Class 5: oxidizing substances and organic peroxides (氧化物和有机过氧化物);

Class 6: toxic and infectious substances (有毒和污染物); Class 7: radioactive materials (放射性物质); Class8: corrosives (腐蚀性物质);

Class 9: miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles (混合的危险物质和物品)

2. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable liquids? 什么样的货物被划分为易燃液体呢

Flammable liquids refers to the liquids, or mixture of liquids which gives off flammable vapor(易燃性蒸汽)at or below 60 degree centigrade in the closed cup test (闭杯试验). 易燃液体或混合液体的液体是指低于60度在闭杯试它就会发出易燃蒸汽

3. Please describe the general nature of general cargo? 请描述的一般特性杂货

(1) General cargo means various kinds of solid cargoes with or without package carried in a single hold; 普通货物意味着各种固体货物或者没有包装的货物储存在同一舱室内。

(2) General cargo may be in bags, bales, cases or steel drums; 普通货物可能用包或捆或用铁桶

(3) The stowage of general cargo needs separation and dunnage. 普通货物需要隔离的垫舱

4. Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo. 请描述散货的一般特性。

(1) Bulk cargo means cargo can be directly put into the holds or tanks of a ship without any package or without any form of containment; 杂货指货物可直接放在货舱或舱底没有任何包装或没有放在任何容器内。

(2) Grain, coal and iron ore are common solid bulk cargoes; 粮食煤

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