

the ship. 每艘货船至少装配一个救生艇,客船每舷至少有一个救生艇

20. Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat(开敞式救生艇)? 你能列举一些开敞式救生艇设备吗?

Yes, I could. They are hand flares, smoke signals, whistles and sea anchor, etc. 是的我能。手提火焰信号,烟雾信号,口哨和海锚等 21.Would a cargo with a high “flash point”(闪点) be of more concern to you than one with a low “flash point”? 具有高闪点的货比具有低闪点的货更令人担心吗?

No, it wouldn’t. Cargo with a low “flash point” is more easily to be ignited. 不,不是。具有较低闪点的货物更容易燃烧起来 22. What is meant by “starving” a fire? 何谓“闷熄”火灾?

It means to put out a fire by cutting off its oxygen supply and removing all flammable material.它的意思是切断氧气供应和去除所有易燃材料使熄灭

23.Before you enter into an “enclosed space”, what safety precautions should you take? (P. 87 Chapter 4 topic 2)24 在你进入“密闭的空间”前,你应该采取的安全措施?

I should ventilate the space thoroughly and wear self-sustained breathing apparatus(穿上自给式氧气呼吸器).我应该把空间彻底通风,穿上自给式氧气呼吸器

24.What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection国际通岸接头? 在国际通岸接头中应转移什么? Water is transferred over the International Shore Connection.水是国际通岸接头中应转移的。

25.If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship, where should he be stopped?如果未经授权的人试图登船,应该在何处拦截此人?

He should be stopped at the gangway.他应该在舷梯上被拦截 26. How often should an “emergency fire pump” be tested? 多久检测“应急消防泵”?

It should be tested once every week. 它应该每周测试一次

27.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship?在船上什么为厨房最有效的灭火器?

Portable foam fire extinguishers are most effective on oil fires. 便捷式泡沫灭火器是灭油火最有效的

28. For ship at sea what is the general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds? 在海上船舶货仓的灭火的一般程序时什么?

The procedure is to activate fire alarm, secure the ventilation of the hold, and extinguish the fire. 启动火灾报警,关闭货仓通风,灭火 29. What is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship? 船上最少要配备多少件救生衣?

The absolute minimum number is one lifejacket for each person.绝对


30. You are a survivor at sea when an SAR (Search and Rescue) aircraft drops a red container. What is in it?在海上你是一名幸存者,当一个搜救和营救飞机抛下一个红色容器,里面是什么? Medical supplies(医疗供给) and first-aid equipment are in red container.红色容器里是医疗用品及急救设备

第九章 救助

口述题 1.

★●▲Describe the procedures of search and rescue operations. 描述搜索和救援作业程序。

Vessels can transmit distress alerts by GMDSS, EPIRB, SART and VHFset. 船舶能用全球海上遇险和安全系统,应急无线电示位标,搜救雷达应答器和甚高频发出遇险警报

After receiving the distress alert, the rescue vessel should acknowledge the message, proceed to the distress position and give assistance. 在收到遇险报警后救援船应该确认收到信息,到达遇险地点和给予协助。

The patterns of search may be expanding square searching, sector searching, parallel searching or aircraft loordinated searching. 搜索模式可以为展开方形搜索、分区搜索、并行搜索、海空协同搜索。 One vessel will act as the on scene coordinator. It will decide the search pattern, initial course and speed, direct the search and rescue operation and announce the finish of rescue operation. 一艘船只将作为现场协调员。她将会决定搜索方式,最初的航向和航速,并指挥搜索和救援作业,最后宣布救援作业的结束。 . 2. ★Describe the responses when a person falls overboard. 描述人员落水时的应对措施。

If you see anybody falls overboard, act as follows: (1)call out “man overboard”, throw lifebuoys overboard, (2)inform the officer on watch and the captain immediately, (3) keep the man in water in sight with continuous watch. (4)The officer on watch should maneuver the vessel towards the side of the man falls. 如果你看到有人落水,行动如下:呼叫有人掉下水”,并抛下救生圈 ,立刻通知值班员和船长,密切注意水中落水人员。值班员应操船驶向落水人的一侧。

The ship maneuvers available to man overboard may be one of the following: single turn, double turn, Williamson turn, and Scharnow turn.营救落水人可采取如下操船方式:单回旋圈,双丰旋回法,威廉

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