


1. Why is it important to sound fog signals? 为什么鸣放雾号是重要的?

Fog signals may indicate the presence of own vessel and warn the other vessels in restricted visibility. 在能见度不良时雾号可能意味着自己船的存在,并警告其他船。

2. When would you sound the emergency general alarm? 你什么时候(才)能发出通用报警?

When the vessel suffers explosion, collision, fire or flooding and is in a critical condition, the emergency general alarm should be sounded. 当船舶碰撞,爆炸、火灾或进水及任何紧急情况下, 应该使用通用报警。

3. When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some. 什么时候应该立即通知船长在紧急驾驶或复杂的航行时?请列出一些。 The OOW must immediately call the master at any time the vessel appears to be running into danger and in various other situation. For example: 在任何时间船舶似乎处于危险中和其他各种情况中必须立即通知船长。例如

(1) when the vessel is navigating in restricted visibility or in restricted waters; )船舶航行在能见 度不良或限制水域 (2) when there is heavy traffic; 航道拥挤

(3) and during heavy weather condition; ,并在恶劣天气状况 (4) or when the OOW considers it necessary to call the master或当中认为必要的时候通知船长

4. How does the OOW assess risk of collision (评估碰撞危险)generally? 如何对船舶碰撞危险合适评估?

In general, the OOW assesses the risk of collision by means of observing the bearing change and distance change of an approaching vessel. 一般来说,碰撞危险评估中通过观察对船舶的方位的变化和距离的变化。

5. How should the relieving officer(接班驾驶员) behave in case a bridge maneuvering already took place but has not been over? 接班驾驶员应该如何行动驾驶台已发生的操纵,但是还没有结束?

The relieving officer can’t take over the watch until the bridge maneuvering has been completed. 接班驾驶员不能接管,直到驾驶台的操纵全部完成为止。

6. List the main items to be updated on the pilot card (引航卡片).例举引航卡中新的项目。

Draft 吃水 air draft 净空高度 freeboard 干舷 and other ship’s maneuvering characteristics.

7. Besides the collision risk, what else should you monitor on watch in

reduced visibility? 除了碰撞危险以外在能见度下降时,还应注意什么?

I should monitor the helmsman to execute and acknowledge all orders to the helm promptly, and also monitor own ship's position, other ship's position and variable weather conditions. 我应该监视舵工执行并知悉所有舵令,及时监控自己的船的位置,其它船的位置然后天气的变化情况。

8. How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port? 你怎麽知道这VHF通道被监控当离开港口?

When I hear the VTS station or port control calls ship's name, call sign and gives me navigational warning or advice, I know the VHF channel is monitored. 当我听VTS港口管制站或呼叫船名、呼号,给了我航行警告或者建议的时候,我知道VHF频道监测。

9. What should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge? 。船长到达驾驶台应该从值班人员那知道什么?

The master expects the OOW reports to him about the ship's position, course and speed and whether the vessel is on the intended track. 船长希望报告船的位置、航线和速度,船舶是否在计划航线上。 10. Who should be in attendance (负责)when a pilot is on the ladder? 谁应该负责引航员在引航梯上

The officer on watch or licensed deck officer should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder.值班驾驶台或有证书的人员应该负责当引航员登上引航梯时。

11. When should you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge? 在驾驶台你应该什么时候指导帮助瞭望?

I should instruct a lookout to assist me at any time I consider it necessary. 任何时候我认为必要时我应该帮助

12. What effect will the general alarm have on all the crew? 通用警报对所有的船员一般会产生什么样的后果?

When hearing the general alarm, all crew must go to their designated position and act according to their designated duties in the muster list. 听到一般报警所有船员都必须去他们的指定位置,根据应变部署表的任务采取行动。

13. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch-keeping? 为什么记录是值班过程中是不可缺少的一环。

To see that everything is in good order and let the next watch-keeping officer know the whole situation. In addition, these records have legal effect(法律作用)in the casualty investigation(在海事调查). 看到一切都井井有条,让下一个值班驾驶员知道整个状况。此外, 对事故调查这些记录有法律影响。

14. Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor position? 对航行安全除了你应该做的,在锚地你还要做什么?

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