

25. The first step is to stop the bleeding. 第一步是给他止血。 第八章 消防与船员自救作业

口述题 1. Describe fire precautions on board 描述船上防火预防措施 1) Fire protection equipment to be checked. 进行消防设备检查 2) Procedures of a fire drill. 消防演习的程序 3)

Summary 总结

Proper fire precautions on board are very important to the ship’s safety. Fire detection equipments(火灾探测设备)(such as the fire alarms, smoke alarm, and fire fighting equipments, such as portable fire extinguisher, fixed fire fighting system, fire pump and fire main)should be checked regularly. 船上适当的防火预防措施 对于船舶的安全具有重要的作用。火灾探测设备如火警,烟雾报警器和消防设备如手提式灭火器,固定消防系统,消防泵,消防主管,需要定期检查

Each member of the crew shall participate in at least one fire drill every month. The crew should report to stations and prepare for the duties described in the muster list. Then fire fighting parties arrive on the scene and fight the simulated fire(模拟火场) with their equipments. 每位船员每个月至少参加一次消防演习,船员应向电台报告并按应变部署表所描述的责任作准备。然后消防队到达现场,用灭火设备灭模拟火灾。

The only sure way to avoid fire at sea is not to have one. The crew members should observe all precautions against the outbreak of fire.是一种可以避免火灾的方式。所有船员应遵守预防火灾爆发的措施 2. Describe damage control on board.描述船上损坏控制 1) Equipment to be checked 进行设备检查 2) Damage control activities 破损控制活动 3)

Summary 总结

The operation of damage control equipments (such as the controls of watertight compartments and doors, the opening and closing devices of hatch, the bilge pump, emergency pump) should be checked at regular intervals. 船上破损控制设备的操作如:水密舱和水密门的控制,货仓的开关设备, 污水泵,应急泵需要定期检查

The crew members should study the damage control plan and be familiarize with their duties. If any damage is found, actions shall be taken. Muster damage control teams and get all damage control material ready. The officer should have a sound knowledge of the ship stability in the event of damage and the counter measures(应对措施) of flooding. 船员应该阅读破损控制计划并熟悉他们的责任,集合破损控制队并备齐所有破损控制材料, 在破损时驾驶员应对船舶稳定性和应对漏水的相应措施具备良好的知识

The control of damage is to reduce the effects of collision or grounding. Damage control team should carry out damage control drill. 破损控制是要减少碰撞和搁浅的影响 ,破损控制队应当进行破损控制演习 3. Describe the measures taken on board if aground. 描述如果搁浅采取的措施

1) Particulars to be clarified 阐述细节

2) Actions to be taken in different situations 在不同的情况所应采取的措施


Summary 总结 参见第7章第4题。

When the vessel is aground, the officers should establish which part of ship is aground, tell the carpenter to sound the vessel, and fix the vessel position on chart to clarify the particulars. 当船舶搁浅时,驾驶员应确定船舶搁浅的位置,告诉木匠测水深,并在海图上确定船舶的位置

The ship aground could transfer cargo or ballast, jettison cargo, wait for tide to rise, wait for weather to improve or refloat with tug assistance. 搁浅船只可以转移货物或者压舱物,弃货,等待涨潮,天气改善或让拖船帮助脱浅 4. Describe the measures taken on board if on fire. 描述如果着火了船上采取的措施

1) Particulars to be clarified 要阐明的细节,

2) Actions to be taken in different situations 在不同的情况中采取的措施


Summary 总结 There are many particulars to be clarified. Is any person at immediate risk from the fire? What is burning? How can the fire area be accessed? What equipment is available to fight the fire, what else is threatened? What precautions can be taken to prevent spread of the fire? Are there flammable gases or liquids likely to be present? 有许多的细节要去分析阐明,火灾中是有人处于紧迫危险吗?怎么燃烧的?如何进入火灾区域?用什么工具来灭火?还有什么受到威胁?能采取什么预防措施来防止火灾的蔓延?可能有易燃气体或液体吗/

When a fire occurs, the alarm should be raised and the bridge informed immediately. If possible, an attempt should be made to extinguish or limit the fire with suitable fire fighting equipments. After a fire has been extinguished, make steps to prevent re-ignition. 当起火应立即鸣火警并通知驾驶台。如果可能的话 要用合适的消防设备扑灭或者限制火。大火扑灭之后要防止自燃

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