

you can receive message on that channel. If you want to transmit message, press the transmitting button and speak. 1接接通电源,选择频道和放大音量, 在那个频道你就可以接收讯息。如果你想发送信息,按传输按钮和说话。

2) General rules of using VHF使用甚高频一般规则

(1) Keep listening watch on channel 16 at all times while the bridge is manned;在16频能够全天的有人在驾驶台职守

(2) Use channel 16 only to establish contact and then change to another frequency at once; 使用频道16仅仅建立联系,然后在换成另一频道。

(3) Distress calls or messages have absolute priority(优先权) over all other communication. When hearing distress calls, all other transmissions should stop and a listening watch should be kept. 遇险的电话和信息有绝对优先级(优先权)超过其他所有的沟通。听到遇险电话,所有的其它传输应该停止并保持监视收听 3) Rules of using CH 16使用规则CH 16

VHF channel 16 is only to be used for calling in cases of distress, safety and urgency. 16通道高频仅限使用遇险,安全性和紧急时使用 3. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port描述抵达港口程

序 1)

The preparations from the bridge驾驶台的前期准备

The bridge should驾驶台应该 (1)

send ETA to the pilot station at appropriate time with all

relevant information; 预计到港时间和各类相关信息在恰当时间发送给引航站,

(2)study port information, sailing directions and other navigation information, including restrictions on draft, speed, entry time, etc.; 入港时间细读港口信息和航路指南等。 学习其他导航信息,包括限制的吃水,速度

(3)check and correct the charts used for entering the port and mark the intended track and courses on the charts; 检查和正确使用进入港口海图并标记预定航线和航道在海图上。 (4) check the communication equipment; 检查通讯设备。 (5)

check and test the indicators, displays, meters, vessel’s clock, navigational aids and walkie-talkie; 检查和测试指示器,显示,仪表、船舶的时钟、导航仪器及步话机。 (6)

hoist the vessel’s national flag and that of the port state, 船

旗和港口国旗vessel’s ensign, signal flag and shapes as per the international practice;船旗、信号旗和型号按照国际惯例turn on/off he stipulated (规定的) lights in time. 打开/关闭他规定灯。 2) Preparations done from the engine room机舱应准备 The engine room should机舱应该

(1) check and inspect the main engine, correct defects and make

records; 检查,检测主机及辅机、改正缺陷并做好记录。 (2) make deck power available; 提供甲板电源

(3) put adequate pressure on fire main. 消防水管打开足够压力 3) Preparations done from the deck从甲板上做准备 The deck department should甲板上的部门应

(1) check and inspect the mooring equipments, anchoring equipment, emergency

equipment, and solve the problems and make records; (1)检查,检测系泊设备、锚机设备,应急设备、解决问题并做好记录

(2)have ship’s crew at station for entering port; 进入港口人员就位; (3)stand by both anchors as per the master’s instruction for use in emergency; 备双锚为了在紧急状态下根据船长指令使用双猫 (4)get ready the pilot ladder, manropes, lifebuoy and lights and ensure they are in

good order, safe and reliable. 准备领航梯,扶手索 救生圈和灯光,并确保其正常有效,安全可靠。

4 Describe the procedures before leaving a port描述离港业务 The procedures before leaving a port are as follows: 离开港口前程序如下:

1) Preparations done from the bridge驾驶台的准备 The bridge should 驾驶台应该

(1) switch on gyro and repeaters and have them synchronized; 打开电罗经和复示器并让他们同步(电罗经复示器)。

2) start up and tune the radars, and have them ready for operation; 启动和调谐雷达、做好运行准备,

(3) check magnetic compass heading; 检查磁罗经首向。 (4) synchronize ship’s clocks; 校准船钟

(5) check autopilot and changeover arrangements; 检查的自动舵和转换装置

(6) keep VHF listening watch on appropriate channel and enhance contact with port control. 保持在适当频道甚高频加强职守并且与港口当局联系。

2) Preparations done from the engine room机舱准备 The engine room should机舱应该

(1) have the main engine ready and test the telegraphs; 备好主机,测试车钟。

(2) have deck power available; 提供甲板电源。 3) Preparations done from the deck甲板做准备 The deck department should甲板上的部门应

(1) have crew at station for leaving port; 离港时人员就位 (2) have anchors clear and ready for use; 锚清爽、随时可用。 (3) lash and secure cargo, containers, removable parts and fittings;

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