

I should pay attention to the nearby vessel's position and movements, to check my own anchor position, to exhibit the appropriate lights, shapes and sound signals and take measures to protect the environment from pollution by the vessel. 我要注意附近的地方船的位置和动作,检查自己的锚位,悬挂适当的灯,型号和声音信号和采取措施保护环境污染的行动。

15. How would you conveniently, check the compass error in pilotage water? 你会如何方便、检查罗经差在引航水域?

I would observe one landmark and compare the compass bearing of it with the true bearing of the landmark getting from the chart. The difference is the compass error. 我观测一个路标的方位,然后在海图上找出路标的方位差值就是罗经差。


16. If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driver vessel, who has the right of way(航路权)?如果帆船想超越动力船,你有何种航路权 The power-driven vessel has the right of way. 动力船有优先权 17. A power-driver vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler(拖网渔船). Who has the right of way?动力船与拖网渔船碰撞,谁是对的?

Both the power-driven vessel and the fishing trawler have no right of way, they should comply with the Collision Rules. 两艘船,都没有用正确的方法航行,他们应该遵守碰撞规则。

18. How many meters are there in a nautical mile? 一海里等于多少米?

A nautical mile equals to 1852 meters. 一个海里等于1852米。 19. If you travel from Panama to New York, will your latitude increase or decrease? 如果你旅行从巴拿马到纽约,你的纬度增加还是减少? From Panama to New York, the latitude will increase. 从巴拿马到纽约,纬度将会增加

20. How many " position lines" (位置线) are needed to make a position? 有多少种”的位置需要“位置线?

To make a position at least two position lines are needed.确定一个位置,至少需要两个位置线。

21.Can you define the very important term "underway" ? 你可以定义非常重要的术语“在航”?

Underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore or aground. 航行意味着船舶不在抛锚,不在系泊或搁浅。 22.If you observe a ship, during daytime, exhibiting three balls on the same halyard, what has happened? 如果你观察的一艘船,白天3个球,展示在同一吊索,是什么事呢? The vessel is aground. 船舶搁浅后

23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for? IALA代表什么?

IALA stands for the International Association of light House Authorities (国际航标协会).

24. Is it safe to pass north of a South Mark(南方位标)?它是安全在北面航行的南方位标吗?

No, it is not safe to pass north of a South Mark. 不,从北面通过南方位标是不安全的。

25. Is it safe to pass north of a North Mark (北方位标)它从北面通过北方位标是安全的么?

Yes, it is safe to pass north of a North Mark. 是的, 从北面通过北方位标是安全的么。

26. Does "variation" (磁差)change due to ship's position? 磁差随船位的变化而改变么?

Yes, variation changes with ship's position. 是的,磁差的变化随船的位置改变。

27. Does "deviation" change due to ship's position?自差随船位的变化而变化么?

No, deviation does not change due to ship's position. 不,不随船位变化而变化。

28. When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from charts 5011? 改海图你为什么必须用海图5011的符号和缩写呢?

(1) Because many symbols and abbreviations are used on charts. These constitute a kind of shorthand which tells the navigator the physical characteristics of the charted areas and details of available aids to navigation. ,因为有许多的符号和缩写被应用于海图。这些构成了一种速记,告诉导航的制定区域地理特点和现有的细节导航

(2) Also because these symbols and abbreviations are used in the Admiralty Notices to Mariners. 也因为这些符号和缩写在航海通告也会使用

29. You have purchased a new chart. Is it right ready for use? 你已经购一个新的海图。可以立即使用么?

No, it must be corrected according to the latest Admiralty Notices to Mariners. 不,它根据最新的通告改正必须要改正。

30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly? 你需要什么出版物来修改海图呢?

I need "Notices to Mariners" and any radio warnings that are received. 我需要航海通告改正”和任何无线电收到警告。

31.What course in degrees corresponds to south-east? 东南是多少度啊?

135 degrees corresponds to south-east.东南是135度

32. What is the angle between magnetic(磁子午线) and true meridian(真子午线) called? 磁子午线和真子午线之间的夹角是什么?

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