(4) seal up cargo holds, fix the hoisting gear, and secure accommodation ladder; )封闭货舱、固定起重机,和系固舷梯。 (5) take back mooring lines, lashings and coverings. )收回,系泊缆绳和绑扎用具和挡板。
(6) Carry out a thorough security inspection, search for stowaways and smuggling. 进行彻底的安全检查,搜索偷渡者和走私者。 5. Describe the procedures of pilotage。描述引航的程序 The procedures for pilotage are as follows: 引航程序如下: 1)
General procedures for pilot request请求引水一般程
The ship requesting a pilot should send the following information to the pilot station as early as possible: 船如需要引航员,驾驶台应该及早向引航站发送以下信息
(1) ETA or ETD )预计到港时间或预计离港时间
(2) Ship’s name, call sign, ship’s agent; 船名、呼号、船舶代理。 (3) Ship’s characteristics: length, beam, draft, air drafts; etc 。船的参数::长度、宽、吃水、净空高度如有推进器等”:
(4) Estimated time and date at the pilot’s boarding point; 预计引航员登船时间和日期
(5) Destination and berth ( if required, side alongside); 目的地和码头(如果需要、岸边)
(6) Other relevant requirements and information. 其他有关要求和信息。 2)
The preparations for receiving the pilot准备接受引航员 The ship should get ready the pilot ladder, manropes, a heaving line, lights and a lifebuoy. 这艘船应该做好准备,引航梯 扶手索、撇揽 灯光和一个救生圈。 3)
General rules for pilotage一般引航规则
(1) The master must employ a pilot whenever the safe navigation of the vessel or the regulation makes it necessary. ,船长必须雇佣引航员以保证让船安全航行或根据有关的规定
(2) With the pilot on board, the master is still responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel.引航员在船上,船长仍然要负责船的安全 (3) The master must remain alert and be attentive to the pilot’s handling of the vessel and must advise the pilot at any time the pilot is in error or otherwise neglecting the safe navigation of the vessel. If the pilot fails to act on the master’s advice when the master judges the safety of the vessel to be jeorpadized, the master must relieve the pilot and take control of the vessel. Full details of this action must be entered in the deck log. 船长必须保持警惕引航员的操作,必须在任何时候避免发生引航员错误操作或忽视船的安全航行行为,如果引航员不听从船长判断船存在安全问题时 船长当解除引航员的权利控制这条船,这次行动的所有细节要写入航海日志。
1.Can you list at least three mooring lines? The ship’s mooring lines are: 1) the head line 首缆
2)the stern line 尾缆 3) the forward breast line 前横缆
4) the forward spring
line 前倒缆
5) the aft breast line 后横缆
6) the aft spring line 后
2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? Before the pilot comes on board, the pilot ladder, lights, heaving line and lifebuoy should be prepared and ready for use. 在引航员来之前领航梯、灯光、扶手索、救生圈应备妥使用
3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable? 当抛锚时不损害锚链的最大对水速度是多少?
I think the maximum speed is below 2 knots. 我认为最大速度低于2节
4. What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? 当需要引航员的时候应该挂什么样的旗帜
When a vessel requires a pilot, the signal flag G should be hoisted. (Signal letter Golf means I require a pilot.) 当一艘船需要一名引航员,信号旗G应该挂出来了。(信号G意味着我需要一名引航员。) 5. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? 。如何能取得联系当船到达港口之前
The ship can get in touch with a port by VHF. 这艘船能用VHF来来联系港口。
6. What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?引航站通常需要询问的船舶资料
The pilot station usually asks for ship’s name, call sign, LOA, ETA, ETD, drafts fore and aft, air draft, last port of call, next port of call, cargo conditions, etc. 引航站通常要求的船的名字、呼号、全长预计到港时间 预计离港时间 前后吃水,压载水、、上一港口的名字,下一个港口、货物情况等
7. What should be reported to the pilot station? 什么应该向引航站报告?
The following should be reported to the pilot station: 以下时,应当报给引航站
ship’s ETA, ETD, name, call sign, LOA, 船ETA ETD :、船名、呼号、总长
drafts fore and aft, air draft, 船头到船尾的吃水,空气压载水, last port of call, next port of call, 上一挂靠港,下一个停留港 cargo conditions and information about ship’s deficiency. 货物情况和关于船的缺陷信息
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