


Attention should be paid to keep the stern away from the overboard man to prevent the propeller from injuring him. 要注意保持船尾远离落水人,以防止螺旋桨弄伤他。 3.

★●▲Describe briefly the GMDSS简要描述全球海上遇险和安全系统

1) Main objectives of GMDSS 全球海上遇险和安全系统主要目的

2)The components of GMDSS 全球海上遇险和安全系统的成分 3)Main functions of GMDSS 全球海上遇险和安全系统主要功能

The basic purpose of GMDSS is that search and rescue authorities ashore, as well as other ships in the vicinity, will be rapidly alerted to a distress, so that they can assist in SAR operation with the minimum delay. 全球海上遇险和安全系统的基本目的是使搜索和营救部门,以及附近其他船只,迅速地得到遇险警报,以便他给搜救和救援作业以及的协助。

The components of GMDSS are EPIRB, NAVTEX, DSC, and SART.全球海上遇险和安全系统包括,紧急无线电示位标,航行警告电传 ,数字选择性呼叫和搜救雷达应答器

The main function is to ensure that no matter where a ship is in distress, aid can be sent and more lives can be saved.GMDSSS主要功能是确保无论船在何处遇险,都可以得到援助并挽救更多的生命。 4.

★●Describe briefly the DSC distress alert简述数字选择性呼叫的遇险警报

1) The function of DSC 数字选择性呼叫的功能 2)The format of a distress alert遇险警报的格式 3)Summary 总结

The DSC (digital selective calling) is used in the GMDSS for transmitting distress alerts from ship or for transmitting the associated acknowledgements from the coast stations. It is also used for relaying distress alerts from either ships or coast stations. 在全球海上遇险和安全系统中,数字选择性呼叫用于船舶发出遇险警报或用于海岸电台发出相关的确认收到信息。它还可以被用作传达船舶或海岸电台的遇险警报。

The distress alert indicates the identity of the calling station and the purpose of the call, and contains the vessel’s MMSI, name, call sign, position, nature of distress, and assistance required. 遇险警报表明的呼叫电台的身份和呼叫的目的,又包含了船舶的海上移动识别码、船名、呼号、位置、困难类型,援助要求。

The DSC system plays an important role in the GMDSS.数字选择呼叫

系统在全球海上遇险和安全系统中起着重要的作用 问答题

1. ★●▲What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation?

It means the course directed by the OSC to be steered at the beginning of a search.

1) 初始航向”在“搜索和救援作业是什么意思?


2. ★●▲What does “jettison of cargo” mean?

It means to throw goods overboard to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of emergercy. 2)弃货物”的意思是什么?


3. ★●▲What is the difference between heel and list?

Heel means the inclination of the vessel caused by outside factors while list means the inclination of the vessel caused by inside factors. 3)倾向与横倾之间的差别是什么?

heel指横倾是由外在因素引起的.而list 是指船的横倾是由内部因素引起的。

4. ★●▲What does “EPIRB” stand for?

EPIRB stands for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. 4)。应急无线电示位标”代表什么?

应急无线电示位标代表应急位置指示无线电广播台的。 5. ★●▲What does SAR stand for?搜救代表什么? SAR stands for Search and Rescue. 搜救代表搜寻和营救

6. ★●▲What is INMARSAT short for?

INMARSAT is short for International Maritime Satellite Organization. 6)★●▲简称海事卫星组织是什么? 海事卫星是国际海事卫星组织的简称。 7. ★●▲What does UTC stand for? UTC stands for Universal Time Coordinated. 7)协调世界时代表什么

协调世界时代表协调世界的通用时间 8. ★●▲What does RCC stand for? RCC stands for Rescue Coordination Center. 8)救援指挥中心代表什么 救援指挥中心协调营救中心 9. ★●▲What is the SART?

SART stands for Search and Rescue Radar Transponder.

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