


adding explanation or not. Anyway, transferring the maximum information to the target readers is the main concern.

(3) Social Dialect. In addition to the geographical and the temporal dimensions, social

differentiation is also reflected in languages. Social dialects emerge in response to social stratification within a speech community. They reflect the differences in social status, age, generation, sex, occupation, etc.

4.1.2 Use-related Varieties一Register

Register is the semantic variety of language and is defined as “varieties according to use”.

It can reflect the speaker s social status and social function, that is to say, it is the embodiment of social structure.

According to Michael Halliday (1985), context of register consists of three types:

(1) Field of discourse: Different linguistic choices are made by different speakers

depending on what kind of action other than the immediate action of speaking they see themselves as participating in. For example, linguistic choices will vary according to whether the speaker is taking part in a football match or discussing football; making a political speech or discussing politics; performing an operation or discussing medicine.

(2) Tenor of discourse: The language people use varies depending on such interpersonal

relationships as mother/child, doctor/patient, or superior/inferior in status. A patient is unlikely to use swear words in addressing a doctor and a mother is unlikely to start a request to her child with I wonder if you could.…

(3) Mode of discourse: Linguistic choices are influenced by its medium of transmission

(spoken, written). For example, a word such as re is perfectly appropriate in a business letter, but it is rarely, if ever, used in spoken English.

To sum up, every text is associated with a particular situation which determines its

linguistic features. Unawareness of the situational context may result in failure in communication.

The above examples are used to illustrate how translation of body language is influenced

by context under the terms mentioned above. It not only founds a good basis and guidance for translators but also is beneficial a lot for people from different cultures to communicate with each other more easily and more successfully, thus it can promote cross-cultural

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