To commercialize the laboratory chemistry, the chemical engineer is involved in development, design, construction, operation, sales, and research. The terminology used to label these functions is by no means uniform from company to company, but a rose by any other name is still a rose. Let us describe each of these functions briefly. It should be emphasized that the jobs we shall discuss are ―typical‖ and ―classical‖, but are by no means the only things that chemical engineers do. The chemical engineer has a broad background in mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Therefore, he or she can, and does, fill a rich variety of jobs in industry, government, and academia.
1. Development
Development is the intermediate step required in passing from a laboratory-size process to a commercial-size process. The ―pilot-plant‖ process involved in development might involve reactors that are five gallons in capacity and distillation columns that are three inches in diameter. Development is usually part of the commercialization of a chemical process because the scale-up problem is a very difficult one. Jumping directly from test tubes to 10,000-gallon reactors can be a tricky and sometimes dangerous endeavor. Some of the subtle problems involved which are not at all obvious to the uninitiated include mixing imperfections, increasing radial temperature gradients, and decreasing ratios of heat transfer areas to heat generation rates.
1. 开发
The chemical engineer works with the chemist and a team of other engineers to design, construct, and operate the pilot plant. The design aspect involves specifying equipment sizes, configuration, and materials of construction. Usually pilot plants are designed to be quite flexible, so that a wide variety of conditions and configurations can be evaluated.
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