training in defining and solving problems, i.e. research methodology for the research student who carries it out under supervision. However, later ―spin offs‖ from such work can lead to useful applications. Thus physicists claim that but for the study and development of quantum theory we might not have had computers and nuclear power. However, to take a specifically chemical example, general studies on a broad area such as hydrocarbon oxidation might provide information which would be useful in more specific areas such as cyclohexane oxidation for the production of nylon intermediates.
Aspects of synthesis could involve either developing new, more specific reagents for controlling particular functional group interconversions, i.e. developing synthetic methodology or complete synthesis of an entirely new molecule which is biologically active. Although the former is clearly fundamental the latter encompasses both this and applied aspects. This term applied‘ has traditionally been more associated with research out in industrial laboratories, since this is more focused or targeted. It is a consequence of the work being business driven.
Note, however, that there has been a major change in recent years as academic institutions have increasingly turned to industry for research funding, with the result that much more of their research effort is mow devoted to more applied research. Even so, in academia the emphasis generally is very much on the research rather than the development.
2. Types of Industrial Research and Development
The applied or more targeted type of research and development commonly carried out in industry can be of several types and we will briefly consider each. They are: (ⅰ)product development, (ⅱ) process development, (ⅲ) process improvement and (ⅳ) applications development. Even under these headings there are a multitude of aspects so only a typical example can be quoted in each case. The emphasis on each of these will vary considerably within the different sectors of the chemical industry.
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