女士们、先生们,上午好。[Li]: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. 我们高兴地邀请到温家宝总理与中外记者见面,并回答提问。 We are pleased to have invited Premier Wen Jiabao met with Chinese and foreign reporters, and answer questions. 现在请总理讲话。 Now call on the Prime Minister's speech. [温家宝]:记者朋友们,大家好。 [Wen Jiabao]: journalist friends, Hello, everyone. 过去的两年我们
我想在这里说明,那时奥巴马总统还没有抵达哥本哈根。 I would like to state here that, when President Obama has not yet arrived in Copenhagen. 何亚非副部长到达会议,首先代表中国政府代表团表示抗议,并且说“我是不请而来的”。 Vice Minister He Yafei reach the conference on behalf of the Chinese government delegation in protest, and said, "I do not please come."
为什么不通知中国? Why do not you informed the Chinese? 至今没有人向我们做任何解释,至今在我的脑子里还是一个谜团。 No one has any explanation to us so far in my mind is still a mystery.
你知道,在哥本哈根60个小时,我几乎没有休息。 You know, in Copenhagen, 60 hours, I was almost without a break. 我会见了德、英、日等国的领导人,会见了印度、巴西等国的领导人,会见了77国集团、非盟以及小岛国的代表。 I met with Germany, Britain, Japan and other countries leaders, met with India, Brazil and other countries leaders, met with the Group of 77, the African Union, as well as representatives of small island states. 我两次会见奥巴马总统,而且进行了长时间的会谈。 I held two meetings with Obama, but also had long talks. 我还会见了联合国秘书长和东道主丹麦首相。 I also met with UN Secretary-General and the host Prime Minister of Denmark. 中国政府代表团所做的大量工作是有目共睹的。 The Chinese government delegation has done a lot of work for all to see.
在哥本哈根会议遇到困难,许多国家领导人准备打道回府的时候,我坚持同各方斡旋,与各国共同努力,最终达成了哥本哈根协议。 Encounter difficulties in Copenhagen, and many national leaders prepared to go home, I insist on mediation with the parties, with countries finally reached an agreement in Copenhagen. 这个成果是来之不易的,也是在涉及各国重大利益问题上可能取得的最好成果。 The results are hard to come by, and also involving the important interests of all countries to achieve the best possible results.
哥本哈根会议结束以后,1月份我就致函联合国秘书长和丹麦首相,坚定地表示,中国高度评价和支持哥本哈根会议决议的立场。 After the end of the Copenhagen conference, in January I sent a letter to UN Secretary-General and Danish Prime Minister, the firm said that China highly appreciates and supports the