

way of petition
交相上诉 cross-appeal
再上诉 further appeal
再上诉 further appeal
刑事上诉 criminal appeals
行政上诉 administrative appeal
放弃上诉 appeal abandoned
非正审上诉 interlocutory appeal
针对判决的上诉通知书 notice of appeal against the judgment
提出上诉 lodge an appeal
上诉 prosecute an appeal
进一步上诉 further appeal
逾期上诉许可 leave to appeal out of time
对上诉抗辩 oppose an appeal
驳回上诉 dismiss an appeal
审理上诉 hearing of appeals
上诉人 appellant
上诉司法管辖权 appellate jurisdiction
上诉用案件呈述的方式 appeal by way of a case stated
上诉委员会 Appeal Committee
上诉法庭 the Court of Appeal
上诉法庭法官 Justice of Appeal
上诉法庭庭长 president of the Court of Appeal
上诉法庭副庭长 vice-presidents of the Court of Appeal
上诉的目的不能达致 appeal frustrated
上诉的许可 leave to appeal
上诉的权利 right of appeal
上诉案件聆讯表 list of appeals
上诉被撤回 appeal withdrawn
上诉动议通知书 notice of motion of appeal
上诉得直 allow an appeal
上诉理由 grounds of appeal
上诉理由 grounds of appeal
上诉许可申请书 application for leave to appeal
上诉通知 notice of appeal
上诉通知书 notice of appeal
针对判决的上诉通知书 notice of appeal against the judgment
上诉援助证书 appeal aid certificate
上诉登记册 Register of Appeals
上诉当事人 party to the appeal
上诉摘要 memorandum of appeal
上诉驳回 appeal dismissed
上诉审讯表 list of appeals
上诉审裁处 appellate tribunal
上诉获得解决 appeal disposed of
上诉权 right of appeal
上课令 attendance order
下一级业主 inferior landlord
下一停靠港 next port of call
下令 order
下毒 poisoning
下级法庭 inferior court
下级法庭 the court below
下级法院 inferior court
之前的所有权持有人 predecessor in title of
口述陈词 oral submissions
口头方式 viva voce
口头的法律程序 oral proceedings
口头讯问 examined viva voce
口头讯问 oral examination
口头问题 viva voce questions
口头陈述 oral statement
口头陈述 oral statement
口头盘问 oral cross-examination
口头覆问 re-examine viva voce
口头证供 oral testimony
口头证据 oral evidence
直接口头证据 direct oral evidence
土地 land
丁屋土地 small house holding
已批租土地 leased land
分划土地财产 partition of property in land
未批租土地 unleased land
在土地所占的份数 shares in land
益享有的利益 beneficial enjoyment of land
收回土地 recover land
土地 resumption of land
收购土地 acquisition of land
有限制授予的土地 settled land

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