充作 passed off
充作 pretend
充作 purported compliance
充足依据 sufficient authority
充足权力根据 sufficient authority
冬季开庭期 Winter sittings
自由额出口授权书 free quota export authorizations
出口授权书 export authorization
出口许可证 export licence
出口证明书 export certificate
出生册 births register
出生登记证明书 Certificate of Registration of Birth
出示 produce
出于自 in his own defence
出于恶意而保持缄默 stand mute of malice
出于无心 due to inadvertence
出席作陪审员 attend on a jury
出席聆讯 present at a hearing
出庭 appear
出庭 appearance
出庭代言人 advocate
出庭代讼 advocacy
出庭代讼人 advocate
出庭作证人 to attend as a witness
出庭争辩 argue before the court
出庭发言权 right of audience
出庭辩护人 advocate
出租 lease
出租 let
出租人 lessor
出租人的业权 lessor's title
出售 sell
出售所得收益 proceeds of sale
出售后再回购协议 sale and repurchase agreements
出售证明书 certificate of sale
出狱 discharge from prison
出价最高的真诚竞投人 highest bona fide bidder
出让 assign
出让人 transferor
出让人公司 transferor company
出让人公司 transferor company
功能界别 functional constituency
功能组别 functional constituency
加入文书 instruments of accession
加上附注 endorse a note
加以必要的变通 mutatis mutandis
加租通知书 notice of increase
加签 countersigned
加签 endorse
加签注明 endorse
加权风险值 risk weighted exposure
包销 underwrite
包销合约 underwriting contract
包销协议 underwriting agreement
半血亲关系 relationship of the half blood
未立遗嘱而去世 dies intestate
去世债务人财产官方扣押令状 writ of diem clausit extremum
古物咨询委员会 Antiquities Advisory Board
另有明文规定 otherwise expressly provided
另售权 right of re-sale
召回令 recall order
可予追讨 recoverable
可公诉罪行 indictable offence
可分割为份额 divisible into shares
可引渡罪行 extraditable offence
可交出空置管有权 with vacant possession
可合理预见危险 reasonably foreseeable risk
可作为民事债项追讨 recoverable as a civil debt
可作为民事债项追讨 recoverable as a civil debt
可判处 punishable
可使罪责减轻的 extenuating
可供计算退休金的服务 pensionable service
可供计算退休金的服务期 pens
ionable service
可保财产 insurable property
可保释的罪行 bailable offence
可保权益 insurable interest
可信证人 credible witness
可流转 negot