

diplomatic agent 外交人员
eligible officer 合资格人员
coroner's officer 死因裁判人员
Attesting Officer 见证人员
escort officer 押送人员
escorting officer 人员
officer of the Court 法院人员
officer of the Court 法院人员
legal officer 律政人员
designee 指定人员
designated public officer 指明公职人员
directorate disciplined officer 纪律部队首长级人员
member of the Customs and Excise Service 海关人员
authorized officer 特准人员
officer 高级人员
managing officer 高级管理人员
detective 侦缉人员
law enforcement officer 执法人员
officer of justice 人员
consular agent 领使人员
gazetted officer 宪委级人员
authorized officer 获授权人员
customs officer 关员级人员
humanitarian grounds 人道理由
life insurance 人寿保险
life insurance policy 人寿保险单
ethnic origins 人种本源
hostage 人质
fit person 合适人选
suitable person 人选
fit and proper person 适当人选
human rights 人权
Bill of Rights 人权法案
Human Organ Transplant Board 人体器官移植委员会
premium 入股金
burglary 入屋犯法
burglary 入屋犯法
burglary 入屋犯法罪
income tax 入息税
hospital order 入院令
incriminate 入罪
a person's right not to incriminate himself 任何人不使自己入罪的权利
land 入境
Immigration Department Detention Quarters 入境事务处羁留所
Immigration Tribunal 入境事务审裁处
immigrant 入境者
entry permit 入境证
attendance order 入学令
full consideration 十足代价
full valuable consideration 十足有值代价
full operation 十足效力
full costs 十足讼费
complete indemnity 十足弥偿
majority of two-thirds 三分之二大多数
triad society 三合会
triad society 三合会社团
superior landlord 上一级业主
listed 上市
listed company 上市公司
listed shares 上市股份
listed securities 上市证券
appeal 上诉
appeal by way of petition 以呈请方式提出上诉
cross-appeal 交相上诉
further appeal 再上诉
further appeal 再上诉
criminal appeals 刑事上诉
administrative appeal 行政上诉
appeal abandoned 放弃上诉
interlocutory appeal 非正审上诉
notice of appeal against the judgment 针对判决的上诉通知书
lodge an appeal 提出上诉
prosecute an appeal 上诉
further appeal 进一步上诉
leave to appeal out of time 逾期上诉许可
oppose an appeal 对上诉抗辩
dismiss an appeal 驳回上诉
hearing of appeals 审理上诉
appellant 上诉人
appellate jurisdiction 上诉司法管辖权

appeal by way of a case stated 上诉用案件呈述的方式
Appeal Committee 上诉委员会
the Court of Appeal 上诉法庭
Justice of Appeal 上诉法庭法官
president of th

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