英籍人士 British subject
个别人士 individual
个别人士 individual
被判刑人士 sentenced persons
被领养人士 adopted person
专业人士 professional person
无国籍人士 stateless person
业外人士 lay persons
获确立婚生地位人士 legitimate person
人民 subjects
人身 person
人身不得侵犯权 personal inviolability
人身自由 personal freedom
人身受到攻击 attack on . . . person
人身保护令 writ of habeas corpus
人身保护令状 writ of habeas corpus
人身伤害 personal injury
人身监护人 guardian of the person
人事登记审裁处 Registration of Persons Tribunal
人员 officer
公务人员 public official
人员 public servant
公职人员 public officer
人员 public servant
司法人员 judicial officer
外交人员 diplomatic agent
合资格人员 eligible officer
死因裁判人员 coroner's officer
见证人员 Attesting Officer
押送人员 escort officer
人员 escorting officer
法院人员 officer of the Court
法院人员 officer of the Court
律政人员 legal officer
指定人员 designee
指明公职人员 designated public officer
纪律部队首长级人员 directorate disciplined officer
海关人员 member of the Customs and Excise Service
特准人员 authorized officer
高级人员 officer
高级管理人员 managing officer
侦缉人员 detective
执法人员 law enforcement officer
人员 officer of justice
领使人员 consular agent
宪委级人员 gazetted officer
获授权人员 authorized officer
关员级人员 customs officer
人道理由 humanitarian grounds
人寿保险 life insurance
人寿保险单 life insurance policy
人种本源 ethnic origins
人质 hostage
合适人选 fit person
人选 suitable person
适当人选 fit and proper person
人权 human rights
人权法案 Bill of Rights
人体器官移植委员会 Human Organ Transplant Board
入股金 premium
入屋犯法 burglary
入屋犯法 burglary
入屋犯法罪 burglary
入息税 income tax
入院令 hospital order
入罪 incriminate
任何人不使自己入罪的权利 a person's right not to incriminate himself
入境 land
入境事务处羁留所 Immigration Department Detention Quarters
入境事务审裁处 Immigration Tribunal
入境者 immigrant
入境证 entry permit
入学令 attendance order
十足代价 full consideration
十足有值代价 full valuable consideration
十足效力 full operation
十足讼费 full costs
十足弥偿 complete indemnity
三分之二大多数 majority of two-thirds
三合会 triad society
三合会社团 triad society
上一级业主 superior landlord
上市 listed
上市公司 listed company
上市股份 listed shares
上市证券 listed securities
上诉 appeal
以呈请方式提出上诉 appeal by