

出参加付款 payment . . . for honour supra protest
须付款予持有人的支票 cheques payable to bearer
须付款的债务人 debtor for money
凭票要求付款予持票人的银行纸币 bank notes payable to bearer on demand
整笔付款 lump sum payment
临时付款 provisional payment
付款人 payer
付款判决 judgment for money
付款要求 demand
代 on behalf of
代入成为一方 substituted as a party
代入为呈请人 substituted as petitioner
代位 subrogation
代位权 subrogation
代位权利 right of subrogation
代言人 advocate
代表 proxy
一般代表 general proxy
外交代表 diplomatic agent
由律师代表 legally represented
合法代表 legal representative
有法律代表 legally represented
投票代表 proxy
村代表 village representative
法定代表律师 Official Solicitor
法定代表律师 Official Solicitor
法律代表 legal representative
无法律代表 not legally represented
代表 unrepresented
无律师代表的诉讼人 litigant in person
代表投票 vote by proxy
代表律师 counsel
代理 deputy
必要代理人 agent of necessity
必要代理权 agency of necessity
代理协议 agency agreements
代理庭长 deputy of the President
代理商 factor
代理领事 pro-consul
代讼人 advocates
代通知金 payment in lieu of notice
代通知金 wages in lieu of notice
代替其父母地位的人 person standing in loco parentis to him
代替招股章程陈述书 statement in lieu of prospectus
代替假日 substituted holiday
代替监禁 in lieu of imprisonment
代诉人 the proctor
代价 consideration
代价收据 receipt for consideration
代辩人 attorney
令人反感 offensive
令人厌恶的人物 offensive personalities
令公众利益受到损害 injurious to the public interest
令状 precept
令状 warrant
令状 writ
人身保护令状 writ of habeas corpus
去世债务人财产官方扣押令状 writ of diem clausit extremum
交付令状 Writ of Delivery
扣押债务人财产令状 writ of fieri facias
收回债款扣押令状 writ of extent
呈请令状 petition warrant
并存令状 concurrent writs
展开讼案的令状 writ for commencement of a cause
特别注明令状 specially endorsed writs
执行令状 writ of execution
强制交付令状 writ of specific delivery
接受令状的送达 accepts service of the writ
复还令状 Writ of Restitution
令出庭作证的传召出庭令状 writ of subpoena ad testificandum

令携带文件出庭的传召出庭令状 writ of subpoena duces tecum
给予援助令状 Writ of Assistance
传召出庭令状 Writ of Subpoena
传讯令状 writ of summons

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