

押者并说明其拘押日期及原因令状 writ of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum
解交被拘押者到庭作证令状 writ of habeas corpus ad testificandum
解交被拘押者到庭答辩令状 writ of habeas corpus ad respondendum
对令状的发出作确认 acknowledge the issue of the writ
对物诉讼令状 writ in rem
管有令状 writ of possession
暂时扣押令状 writ of sequestration
藉令状开展的诉讼 action begun by writ
令状文稿 draft writ
令状文稿 draft writ
令状正本 original writ
以口头方式 by parole
以公共政策为理由 on grounds of public policy
以文件宣誓作证的人 deponent to a document
以交付作补救 remedy of delivery up
以交替形式被起诉 sued in the alternative to . . .
以印章签立 executed under the seal
以有值代价 for value
以有理可据作为答辩 plea of justification
以投票方式表决 poll
以宗教式宣誓后盘问 examine on oath
以往定罪 previous convictions
以抵销或反申索方式作出的申索 claim by way of set-off or counterclaim
以法律程序各方未全为由而提出反对 object for want of parties
以非公开形式 in private
以非公开形式聆讯 heard in private
以非公开形式进行 conducted in camera
以非宗教式宣誓后盘问 examine on affirmation
以信托形式持有 held in trust
以信贷方式售卖的协议 credit-sale agreement
以前曾被判罪 prior conviction
以威胁促致他人作非法的性行为 procurement of another person by threats [to do an unlawful sexual act]
以面交方式送达 by personal service
以面交方式送达 serve personally
以香港为本籍的计划 Hong Kong domiciled scheme
以香港为其居籍 domiciled in Hong Kong
以书函认罪 plead guilty by letter
以书面证明 evidenced in writing
以案件呈述的方式 by way of case stated
以案件呈述的方式 by way of case stated
以售产信托方式持有 held upon trust for sale
以接受监禁抵偿未缴付的款项 serving imprisonment in default of payment
以欺骗手段逃避法律责任 evasion of liability by deception
以虚假借口促致他人作非法的性行为 procurement of another person by false pretences [to do an unlawful sexual act]
以精神紊乱为理由而判无罪 not guilty by reason of insanity
以优先认股方式 on a pre-emptive basis
以转管租约形式租给 chartered by demise
充公 condemnation
充公 confiscation
充分拒认 sufficient traverse
充分的支持理由 justifiable reason
充分的表面理由 sufficient prima facie grounds
的权限 sufficient authority
充分送达 sufficient service
充分通知 sufficient notice
充分证据 sufficient evidence
充分权限依据 sufficient authorit

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