(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12(9)



The ALLADIN Diagnostic Device:

An Innovative Platform for Assessing Post-Stroke Functional Recovery 549 In the normal control, pos itive values in the F x-direction can be obs erved. In normal circums tances, for a gras ping movement, the thumb will be brought to the point where the index and the middle finger touch each other. In the diagnostic device, the thumb is fixated on the same height as the index finger. This causes a downwards movement of the thumb when the s ubject gras ps the glas s to drink. The pos itive values in F y-direction means that the subject moves the thumb forwards when he positions the fingers around the glass to drink. The positive values for F z-direction points out that the subject grasps the glass to drink.

The force measurement from the thumb recorded 25 days following the stroke onset show negative values on the x-axis: the force is directed in the opposite direction than the motor performance in the normal control s ubject, pointing out that the s ubject moves the thumb upwards to bring the glas s to the mouth, ins tead of moving downwards. The negative values obs erved along the F y-direction mean that the s ubject pus hes the thumb forwards to bring the glas s to the mouth. The pos itive values along the z-axis allow to conclude that the subject tries and grasps the glass to drink. The force is exerted in advance than the normal control subject and it lasts till to the end of the attempt.

The force meas urement from the thumb recorded 131 days following the s troke ons et s how the pos itive values on the x-axis, s ame direction as the motor performance in the normal control s ubject, meaning that the s ubject moves the thumb downwards to bring the glas s to the mouth, even if the force reaches the zero at about the half of the meas urement, before s till ris ing to pos itive values. The negative values obs erved along the y-axis point out that the subject pushes the thumb forwards to bring the glass to the mouth. The pos itive values along the z-axis mean that the s ubject tries and gras ps the glass to drink. The force is exerted in advance than the normal control subject and it lasts till to the end of the attempt.

Figure 7 s how the force meas urements from the index finger in the normal control (top plot), in the hemiplegic patient, 25 days following the s troke ons et (middle plot) and 131 days following the stroke onset.

In the normal control subject, the negative values along with the x-direction point out that the s ubject moves the index upwards to bring the glas s to the mouth, while the pos itive values along with the y-axis points out that the subject moves the index backwards to bring the glas s to the mouth. The pos itive values along with the z-axis means that the s ubject grasps the glass to drink.

The force measurement from the thumb recorded 25 days following the stroke onset show negative values along with the x-direction: the s ubject moves the index in the s ame direction as the normal control subject (upwards) to bring the glass to the mouth, even if with lower values and for a larger range of time. The pos itive, negative and pos itive values along with the y-axis points out that the s ubject firs t moves the index forwards, backwards and then forwards to bring the glass to the mouth. The positive values along with the z-axis means that the subject grasps the glass to drink, even if the exerted force doesn’t shows a bell shaped form, as in the normal control subject. It shows a peak and then a falling to a lower value.

The force measurement from the thumb recorded 131 days following the stroke onset show negative values along with the x-direction: the subject moves the index in the same direction as the normal control s ubject (upwards) to bring the glas s to the mouth, approaching the

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