(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12(10)



550Rehabilitation Robotics force values of the normal control s ubject even if for a larger range of time. The rather pos itive values along with the y-axis points out that the s ubject firs t moves the index forwards to bring the glas s to the mouth, with a les s fragmented trend, compared to the measurement recorded 25 days following the stroke onset. The positive values along with the z-axis means that the subject grasps the glass to drink, with a quite bell shaped form, as in the normal control subject.

Figure 8 show the force measurements from the middle finger in the normal control (top plot), in the hemiplegic patient, 25 days following the stroke onset (middle plot) and 131 days following the s troke ons et. In the normal control, the negative values on the x-axis means that the s ubject moves the middle finger upwards to bring the glas s to the mouth. The pos itive values obs erved along the F y-direction point out that the s ubject pulls the middle finger backwards to bring the glas s to the mouth. The positive values along the F z-direction means that the subject grasps the glass to drink.

The negative values on the x-axis recorded from the hemiplegic patient, 25 days following the stroke onset means that the subject moves the middle finger upwards to bring the glass to the mouth, showing lower amplitude values than the normal control. The negative values observed along the F y-direction and the positive values along the F z-direction mean that the s ubject pulls the middle finger backwards to bring the glas s to the mouth and gras ps the glass to drink respectively, but showing a fragmented trend. The negative values on the x-axis from the middle finger force meas urements recorded 131 days following the s troke ons et means that the s ubject moves the middle finger upwards to bring the glas s to the mouth, s howing lower amplitude values and a more fragmented trend than the normal control.

The negative values obs erved along the F y-direction and the pos itive values along the F z-direction point out that the subject pulls the middle finger backwards to bring the glass to the mouth and grasps the glass to drink respectively, with a more regular trend if compared to the force measurements recorded 25 days following the stroke onset.

5. Future directions and conclusions

A large set of features characterizing the clinical recovery have been extracted from the data according to the preliminary results from data mining techniques (Van Djick et al., 2006b) in order to track the recovery proces s through miles tones and to fores ee the rehabilitation outcome through predictive markers.

The pos itive res ults obtained s o far through the extens ive us e of the propos ed diagnos tic device during the clinical trials for functional as s es s ment of pos t-s troke patients allow to foresee new possible scenarios for the neurorehabilitation domain. The use of the diagnostic device together with systems for brain imaging (PET, fMRI, MEG) and techniques for monitoring brain activity (EEG) will allow to monitor the degree of learning and the change in motor performance induced by the rehabilitative treatments through traditional and robotic therapies. Alternative applications for the proposed platform are:

x isometric motor exercise. Many clinical protocols for motor therapy of different type of patients pres cribe the execution of is ometric exercis es. The propos ed

y tem could allow to accurately tune, monitor, mea ure and record the

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