(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12(18)
558Rehabilitation Robotics dexterity of current commercial prostheses is very poor and amputees generally have to resort to compensatory movements of the residual limb, or even of other parts of the body as well as to auxiliary aids to execute many motor tasks. For patients with very high level amputations (bilateral above all), who have an extremely res tricted res idual movement ability, current pros thes es could be inadequate to guarantee the functionality needed to reach a s atis factory level of autonomy. In order to s olve this deficiency and to improve the quality of life of this amputee population, the development of new electrically powered pros thes es with greater mobility, advanced control and good “wearability” is thus required.
It is authors’ firm belief that the same observations that guide the rehabilitation team in the selection of the proper device for a given patient must also be considered by engineers and technicians when designing new prosthetic devices. Computer-based simulations represent a us eful tool, in this pers pective, for the development of new mechanical s ys tems. In particular, the work presented in (Romilly et al., 1994) shows how the kinematic simulations of artificial arm models attempting to execute given trajectories can guide the development of powered orthoses with less than six DoF.
This chapter pres ents a methodology for the s ynthes is of new pros thetic architectures for patients with high level amputation, based on a procedure for the determination of the best compromise between the contrasting features required of a prosthesis, taking into account the different needs of divers e patient profiles. “Architecture” is intended here as the geometry and the topology of a robotic arm model, i.e. the number and type (active/passive) of its joints and their arrangement.
With the proposed procedure, the characteristics, the needs and the goals of a generic patient are formalised and organised in such a way as to be systematically analysed by means of s pecifically developed algorithms. Bas ed on the collected data, further algorithms then perform the kinematic and kinetos tatic s imulations of s everal robotic arm architectures with one up to six active joints differently arranged (and considering the pos s ible pres ence of pas s ive joints as well) when carrying out s ome activities of daily living cons idered important for a given amputee. The models with les s than s ix DoF corres pond to s impler robot architectures and are thus appreciated from the wearability viewpoint; on the other hand, their performance is poorer than those of the six DoF models, because they normally carry out the manipulation tasks with an error which increases as the number of active joints decreases. The structure simplification of the e robot and the corre ponding wor ening of their global functionality are evaluated with res pect to the quality of life as s igned to the patient profile. For this purpose, some indices have been specifically developed to properly weigh up both the clinical aspects (depending on the patient) and the technical factors (depending on the robotic models).
The approach is subject-oriented, foreseeing a single patient as input and providing his/her optimal prosthesis as output. However, the final application of the methodology can supply more general des ign guidelines, s uitable to determine a limited number of pros thes is architectures able to match the requirements of many different amputees.
Finally, the results of the kinematic and kinetostatic simulations can provide the mechanical design specifications (e.g. the joint range of motion, the power of the actuators) of the new device that will prove fundamental in overcoming the limitation of the exi ting prostheses.
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