(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12(15)



30 Synthesis of Prosthesis Architectures and

Design of Prosthetic Devices for

Upper Limb Amputees

Marco Troncossi & Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli DIEM – Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Bologna

Italy 1.Introduction

This chapter pres ents a procedure for the Determination of the Optimal Pros thes is Architecture for upper limb amputees (DOPA). The pres ented approach can cons is tently manage both the clinical as pects and the technical is ues involved in the des ign of electromechanically actuated pros thes es. The procedure is compos ed on one hand of algorithms us eful for analyzing the patients’ requirements and on the other hand of algorithms that perform kinematic and kinetos tatic s imulations of s everal architectures of artificial arms attempting to fulfil important activities of daily living. The s ys tematic evaluation of the prosthesis models’ performance can methodically guide designers in the synthesis of the optimal prosthesis that best suits the patients’ requirements.

1.1 Prosthetic rehabilitation of upper limb amputees

The loss or the congenital deficiency of an upper limb part represents a serious physical and ps ychological trauma, apart from having an evident and cons iderable res triction on pers onal autonomy in everyday living. Rehabilitating an amputee with a proper device allows the patient to recover (part of) the los t autonomy and the s ens e of ps ychophys ical integrity, and thus to enable his/her reintegration in domes tic, working and s ocial environments.

The pros thetic intervention is a complex proces s which involves technical as pects and clinical is s ues s trictly dependent on the amputee to be treated; pros thetic rehabilitation is therefore carried out by a multidi ciplinary team including phy ician, technician, therapists and psychologists which operates with the aim of providing the amputee with the device and the s ervices that bes t match his/her different requirements. The firs t s tep the rehabilitation team must face is to investigate the individual needs of every amputee. The choice of the bes t pros thes is for a given patient depends on s everal as pects, all of which must be taken into account (Atkins & Meyer, 1989):

-amputation level

-mono- or bi-laterality of the amputation

-patient’s age

-patient’s gender

-stump conditions (shape, muscle strength, skin conditions, pain…)

-range of motion of the residual limb

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