(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12(11)
The ALLADIN Diagnostic Device:
An Innovative Platform for Assessing Post-Stroke Functional Recovery 551 forces/torques exerted by the patient during such exercises. To this aim, a self-
calibration routine will be added to the system, such that forces/torques due to
the body’s weight will be automatically s et to zero at the s tart of the motor therapy;
x human-machine interface. The propos ed s ys tem can be as s ociated to a virtual reality environment for motor rehabilitation, as recently implemented with similar
devices for isometric measurements in the upper limb (Kurillo et al., 2005) or it can
be used as novel human-machine interface for many different applications where
the us e of the hand and the foot is required, e.g. pedal and handle interfaces for
game, s urgical robots, vehicles for enabling independent living to citizens with residual abilities.
Further possible developments comprise also:
x a migration to a mechatronic platform embedding actuator
s to produce
perturbations and assisted constrained motion of the affected limbs;
x the application of the propos ed platform for res earch in neuros cience, e.g. by comparing is ometric performance of healthy controls and different patients, and
for studying anticipative and high-level planning capabilities based on the study of
whole-body dynamics in is ometric conditions at the inception of voluntary movements.
The proposed platform is the first device which acquires a great deal of different data (F/T data, clinical scales, natural language descriptions made by the physiotherapists) till now. It is a versatile research tool, which records heterogeneous fields in a complete and detailed way. It has been us ed in clinical trials in order to verify the clinical hypotheses.
The propos ed platform, which has been validated in three different clinical centres in Europe, proved to be effective as a tool for experimental use in novel functional assessment procedures of post-stroke patients, according to the original specifications provided by the medical doctor and therapi t. The platform ha al o a range of other potential applications, from motor therapy to human-machine interface.
The reduction of its level of complexity and the development of an optimized version for clinical uses are the next steps, after the completion of the analysis of data collected during the clinical trials. The use of actuators in the platform can be also considered as a further development of the platform as tool both for functional as s es s ment and rehabilitative treatment.
6. Ackno w ledgment
This work was partly supported by the European Commission - 6th Framework Programme under the grant N. 507424 (ALLADIN – Natural Language Bas ed Decis ion Support in Neuro-rehabilitation).
The ALLADIN project is co-ordinated by Jo Van Vaerenbergh, Arteveldehogeschool (Gent, Belgium). The other partners of the ALLADIN project are: Language and Computing NV (Belgium), Budape t Univer ity of Technology and Economic (Hungary), School of Electrical Engineering of the Univers ity of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Zenon SA Robotics and Informatics (Greece), Multitel ASBL (Belgium), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), National
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