(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12(20)



560Rehabilitation Robotics Step 1 –The compilation of the patient’s Clinical Identification Form is the s tarting point of the procedure. It collects all the information neces ary to clas ify the amputee’s needs; different as pects are inves tigated in order to identify a patient’s profile us eful to portray a pers onalized level of life quality to be achieved after the pros thetic rehabilitation plan. An algorithm (TaS) bas ed on the proces s ing of this profile determines which upper limb activities are mos t s ignificant for the given patient from the viewpoint of reaching a ati factory functional autonomy in everyday living. The prosthesis will be designed aiming at performing these selected functional tas ks. A further algorithm (Char)determines the values of the parameters involved in the s election of the optimal architecture by balancing the relative importance of the different factors which contribute to define the amputee’s quality of life (e.g. expected level of functional autonomy, s implicity of the s tructure, easiness of control, etc.).

Step 2 – Kinematic s imulations (KiS), performed for all the models in DB-R, generate the trajectories performed by the robot when attempting to fulfil the tasks assigned by TaS. The models with less than six DoF (hereinafter “Deficient Robots”), corresponding to simpler, less massive robot architectures (thus appreciated from the wearability viewpoint), execute the Reference Trajectories with a certain error which increases as the number of active joints decreases.

If the error overcomes the acceptable value fixed for every given task, then the robot model is considered not adequate to perform that activity. Only the robotic models which fulfil a given number of tas ks, dependent on the functionality required by the s ubject (Thresholds t1,…, t4), will move on to the next phas es, whereas the others will be dis carded. The structural simplification of the Deficient Robots and the corresponding worsening of their global functionality have to be evaluated with res pect to the quality of life as s igned (by means of the Char algorithm) to the given patient. A further kinetos tatic analys is (KiA), performed for the “promoted” robots, provides the values of torque and power that all the actuated joints must generate to perform the successfully-executed tasks, defining the size of the actuators in a first approximation.

Step 3 – The artificial arm models are as s es s ed in the las t s tep of the procedure: their performance and the complexity of their architecture are evaluated by means of three purpos e-built indices, all ranging from 0 to 1, named as KP,FL and C which, properly combined in an overall index I, univocally determine the optimal prosthesis architecture, i.e. the robotic arm with the simplest and lightest structure possible which can best satisfy the patient’s personal requirements:












where w1,w2,w3 [0,1] are weighting factors which depend on the patient’s profile.

The model with the maximum value for I des ignates the optimal architecture of the prosthesis associated with the given patient.

The main elements and algorithms of the DOPA procedure will be explained, in s uch a way to make their comprehens ion eas y for the reader. In particular they will be outlined as if the procedure must guide the design of an ad-hoc prosthesis for a single patient; the intended implementation is actually different (s ee Section 3).

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