(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12(16)
556Rehabilitation Robotics -presence of other diseases
-personal motivations for rehabilitating and expectations regarding the prosthesis -psychological status
-home environment and family support
-subject’s particular characteristics
Even if it is glaringly obvious that the evaluation of thes e as pects is s trictly patient-dependent, it is generally possible to state that for mono-lateral amputees the sound limb becomes dominant and the pros thes is works mainly as an auxiliary device for bimanual activities. On the contrary, for bilateral amputees the pros thes es are s trictly neces s ary to perform those activities of daily living that allow the patient not to be completely dependent on others’ help thanks to the acquis ition of a certain level of functional autonomy. Obviously, the higher the level of amputation the greater the importance of the prosthetic devices. The right s election of the proper pros thes is for a given patient relies on the assessment of the patient’s characteristics and must be made by experienced personnel.
In order to satisfy the patient’s needs the features that a prosthesis must have are:
1.the highest possible dexterity
2.good performance (in terms of velocity and forces/torques)
3.appropriate robustness
4.efficient control
5. a humanlike appearance
6. a light weight
7.proper size and proportions
8.good comfort for the wearer
9.easy control for the amputee
10.extremely reliable components of the artificial system
11. a low noise level
12.sufficient autonomy of the energy source to allow the prosthesis to work all day
It is possible to summarize the features required of a prosthesis as good functionality of the artificial arm on one hand (features 1–4) and good wearability for the patient on the other (features 5–9). The last specifications, 10 to 12, concern technological issues and the level of their obs ervance depends bas ically on the component des ign, the materials us ed and the s tate of the art of both the electronic and the mechanical fields. It is worth noting that functionality and wearability are basically contrasting features; for instance, a device which has to provide high forces and speed must supply an appropriate power, implying a size of actuators far from lightweight. When s electing the appropriate pros thes is for a given amputee, the importance to be allocated to every s ingle factor s trictly depends on the evaluation of the patient’s characteristics and requirements.
1.2 Upper limb prostheses
There are various kinds of prosthesis to be evaluated and chosen from. The “externally powered pros thes is”, i.e. a robotic arm where the artificial limb s egments are driven by electromechanical joints, is the mos t advanced. The joint motors are directly activated by the amputee by means of input commands that are collected by s pecific sensors located in the socket of the prosthesis, the socket being the interface by means of which the prosthesis is suspended on the patient’s stump. The command signals are
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