(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12



The ALLADIN Diagnostic Device:

An Innovative Platform for Assessing Post-Stroke Functional Recovery 541 Since April 2004 a complete product des ign and development cycle which included the computer aided design, the development of three early prototypes and the feedback from the tes ting were implemented. Refinement and detailing of the conceptual des ign was a natural result of this cyclic process. The eight 6-axis F/T sensors are respectively installed behind the trunk, below the pos terior, at the affected lower arm, at the affected thumb, index and middle finger, at the affected foot and toe (Figure 2). They output detailed data on the ADL tas ks to be performed. Table 5 s hows the bas ic characteris tics of the 6-axis F/T s ens ors (50M31A-I25, 67M25A-I40, 90M40A-I50, 90M40A-I50, 90M40S-I50, 90M40A-I50, 50M31A-I25; JR3 Inc., Woodland, USA). The orthogonal reference frame for the force and torque vectors is located inside the sensor. The platform has three positional settings for the patient according to the tasks to be performed. The first operational pos ition is as s ociated to the ADL tas k #1, ADL tas k #2 and ADL tas k #3, a second position is selected for the ADL task #4 task and a third for the ADL task #5 and ADL task #6. All operating instructions are presented on a screen in front of the patient. A first instruction is the video presentation of the task to be initiated by the patient; the second instruction is an invitation to “memorize the task” and then to “execute it”. The measured behaviour is the combined output of 48 channels repres enting the x, y, z F/T data for all eight F/T sensors.

The diagnostic device includes the following main units (Figure 2):

1.Accessory storage board

2.Transit lying wheelchair

3.Monitor for the patient


5.Trunk Device

6.Foot Device

7.Arm Device

8.Finger Device

9.Seat Device

The Arm Device, the Finger Device and the Foot Device are s hown in Figure 3. A customized software has been developed in order to allow the recording of different types of data: F/T data, clinical cale and natural language de cription made by the phy s iotherapi s t s (See s ub s ection 3.5). Several young volunteer s participated in a preliminary testing that aimed at verifying the output of the proposed isometric procedure. Altogether 250 s ubjects (150 hemiplegic patients and 120 normal control) were recruited during the clinical trials at the three hospitals. The centres participating in the multi-centre clinical trials were:


Algemeen Ziekenhuis Maria Middelares Sint-Jozef Hos pital (AZMMSJ), Gent, Belgium, x

Adelaide & Meath Hospital (AMNCH), Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland,

x Szent János Hospital, Budapest, Hungary.

All the three clinical trial centres obtained the approval of the relevant ethics committees. An informed consent was obtained from the subjects participating the clinical trials.

Subjects were measured and assessed twice a week during the first two months period and once a week during four cons ecutive months . They were s eated in a s pecial des igned wheelchair and driven into an anthropometrical adaptive mea s

uring in s trument characterized by the above mentioned three discrete positions (Small, Medium and Large).

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