(e-book) Rehabilitation Robotics (by Sashi S _部分12(21)



Synthesis of Prosthesis Architectures and Design of Prosthetic Devices for Upper Limb Amputees 561 CLINICAL IDENTIFICATION FORM

Label Definition Value Definition

P1 Gender P1.1 Female P1.2 Male

P2 Age P2.1 0 – 15 years old

P2.2 16 – 35 P2.3 36 – 65 P2.4 > 65

P3 Body-build P3.1 Small

P3.2 Medium

P3.3 Large

P4 Non-dominant limb P4.1 Distal upper arm amputation

level of amputation *P4.2 Medial upper arm amputation

P4.3 Proximal upper arm amputation

P4.4 Shoulder di s articulation

P4.5 Forequarter amputation

P5 Dominant limb P5.1 Healthy (single extremity amputation) level of amputation *P5.2 Distal upper arm amputation

… …

P5.6 Forequarter amputation

P6 Patient preferences P6.1 High predilection for comfort and appearance about the prosthesis P6.2 Moderate predilection for comfort and appearance P6.3 No preference

P6.4 Moderate predilection for device functionality P6.5 High predilection for device functionality

P7 Living situation He/she lives with someone else who can aid him/her He/she lives alone, but someone is often present He/she lives alone, someone is occasionally present


P7.3P7.4 He/she lives alone in complete autonomy

P8 Work P8.1 None

P8.2 Hou s eman/hou s


P8.3 Admini s trative employment

P8.4 Technical employment

P9 P9.1 None

P9.2 Cooking (and kitchen-related activities) P9.3 Hou s ework Other activities (All the activities not

related to work )

P9.4 Doing the shopping

P9.5 Driving the car

P9.6 Using home appliances (stereo, computer…) P9.7 Home maintenance and workshop activities * “Non-dominant” (ND) is the injured upper limb of a monolateral amputee or the limb with the severest injury for a bilateral amputee; “dominant” (D) is the other limb. ND and

D prostheses are the corresponding artificial arms that will replace the missing limb(s). An ND pros thes is s hould perform functions of s upport (s impler) to the D limb (natural or artificial).

Table I. A schematic layout of the Clinical Identification Form with the P-labels meaning.

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