


210. Recover core. 取出岩芯

211. Use same parameters as for core #1. 使用与1#取芯同样的参数

Freeing Stuck Pipe 卡钻与解卡

212. The down-hole problems are very complicated. 井下情况很复杂 213. The hole is tight. 遇阻了

214. Overpull while tripping out. 起钻遇卡(overpull: 超拉力)

215. The formation is unstable. 地层不稳定

216. The wall caving is severe. 井壁垮塌严重

217. There are many return cuttings. 返出岩屑特别多

218. The mud returns have decreased. 返出泥浆减少

219. The hole is enlarged. 井眼扩大了

220. The pipe’s stuck. 卡钻了

221. Pull up to 150 tons. 上提150吨

222. Slack off to 50 tons. 下放至50吨

223. Ream down all the tight points. 在所有遇阻点进行划眼

224. The rotary table can’t rotate. 转盘转不动

225. Where is the sticking point? 卡点在哪里

226. Make a tensile test. 做拉伸试验

227. Back it off above the free point. 在卡点以上倒扣

228. Where is the back-off position? 脱扣位置在哪

229. Plug the well for side tracking. 打水泥塞侧钻

Abnormal Well Condition and Well Control


230. The mud is gas out. 泥浆有气侵

231. The pit has lowered quickly. 泥浆池液面下降很快

232. The hole lost returns. 井口不返泥浆

233. The returns are unstable. 返出泥浆量忽大忽小

234. Where’s the thief zone? 漏失层在哪里

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