关键词:房地产 夹层融资 夹层贷款 优先股
Recent years have seen a great increase in the real estate market, accordingly, real estate enterprises are eager for capital, but the way to real estate financing became narrow because of macroeconomic control policy. The demand on money made real estate enterprises tries hard to find a new resolution to suffice their capital requirement. As a source between the equity ownership and the overriding primary debt,mezzanine financing is a possible solution.
In real estate, since mezzanine financing which is junior to mortgage loan but senior to the equity investor has some advantages of both debt financing and equity financing, this financing tool will be popular in the real estate capital market in China. It is such a new type of real estate financing technique for China capital marker that the law of china has not special rules for this financing technique, but relative laws of china seemly permit the process of this financing deal. This article focuses on the legal issues of mezzanine financing based on the law system of China. Section I of this article discussed the concept of mezzanine financing and analyzed the legal structure of the two types of mezzanine financing model, this part also stated the origins and the development of the mezzanine financing in US, and discovered the reason why real estate mezzanine financing growing so rapid in recent years. In