


Reading II Supplementary --6--



to pay a high tribute to sb.'s ability 高度称赞某人的能力

glamour----glamor An air of compelling charm 魔力,魅力

glamorous----glamourous Full of or characterized by glamour 迷人的;富有魅力的

a glamorous girl 有魅力的女孩

pour---- vi To stream or flow continuously or profusely 涌入涌出

Tears poured from her eyes.泪水从她眼中涌出。

Monarch-----[‘mCnak] One who reigns over a state or territory 君主

Rupture---- vt, vi, n To break open; burst破裂,裂开

Vein----A blood vessel.血管

Massage---- n. vt [mE’sa:g]The rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation

or relax the muscles 按摩

Concede---- vt [kan’si:d]To acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just, or proper; admit.

(勉强)承认He finally conceded defeat他最终承认了失败。

vi.yield (to) 让步: concede to (sb.) 对(某人)让步

distress---- v.tr./n To cause strain, anxiety, or suffering to.使紧张;使忧虑;使痛苦

The mother was distressed by her baby's illness.母亲为她孩子的病感到苦恼。Break----To make known, as news 泄露,透露告知(如消息)

She broke a story to me. 透露一则新闻

Martha----[‘ma:0E]In the New Testament, the sister of Lazarus and Mary and a friend of Jesus.

玛撒, [宗]马大马大新约圣经中,拉撒路和玛丽之姊,耶稣之友

sadden----To make or become sad. 使悲伤难过

My little cat's death saddened me.小猫死去叫我伤心。

She was saddened by her son's ingratitude.儿子的忘恩负义伤了她的心。Custody----The act or right of guarding, especially such a right granted by a court监护权

an adult who was given custody of the child.被授予孩子监护权的成年人The state of being detained or held under guard, especially by the police 羁押扣留The police took the robbery suspect into custody.拘捕抢劫嫌疑犯Manslaughter----The unlawful killing of one human being without express or implied intent to do injury 过失杀人

Ritz----[rIts]n. 豪华的旅馆(或餐馆、房屋等)

n. Informal Elegant, often pretentious display 夸示,炫耀高雅的、常常是炫耀的夸示

smash----- vi,vt To strike or collide suddenly, noisily, and violently突然、猛烈地打击或碰撞:

The car smashed into a tree.汽车撞到了一棵树上

Pillar----a column 柱子One who occupies a central or responsible position 栋梁

a pillar of the state.国家栋梁

tunnel----[‘t vn(E)l]An underground or underwater passage. 地道,隧道;坑道

vine---A weak-stemmed plant that derives its support from climbing, twining, or creeping along

a surface. 藤本植物 A grapevine葡萄藤


