


Reading II Supplementary --15-- The discovery established his reputation.这个发现树立了他的声望

Mature ---- [mE’tjuE]Of, relating to full development; ripe; 成熟的vt to ripen. 使成熟count for ----be worth价值…

count for nothing / little ----- to be of little worth or importance 无关重要的;无足轻重的from without从...外面from within从...的内部[里面]

without---- adv. On the outside:在外部

a sturdy structure within and without.内外都很坚固的结构

With something absent or lacking 在没有或缺少…的情况下:

had to do without.没有只好作罢

prep. At, on, to, or toward the outside or exterior of:在外面;对着外面;向着外部

standing without the door.站在门外

within and without the Party党内外

ranking ---- vt vi To be or put ( in a certain class ) 分等,分级;归类

She ranked first in the class.在班上名列前茅

Belo’russia---- [E]A region of eastern Europe east of Poland, south of Lithu’ania and ‘Latvia, and north of the Ukraine. It was long disputed between Poland and Russia. 白俄罗斯波兰以东的欧洲东部地区,位于立陶宛和拉脱维亚以南,乌克兰以北。长久以来一直为波兰和俄国所争夺

on / upon the heels of ----Directly behind, Immediately following 紧随其后的

heel ----The rounded posterior portion of the human foot under and behind the ankle 踵,脚

tie ---- vt vi n To equal (an opponent or an opponent's score) in a contest. 与…势均力敌/平局comprehensive ----[kC]So large in scope or content as to include much全面的, 广泛的

tough ----Physically hardy; rugged: 强壮的;能吃苦耐劳的:

tough mountaineers强壮的山民 a tough cop身强体壮的警察Strong-minded; resolute意志坚强的;坚决的

a tough negotiator态度坚决的谈判者

‘upcoming ---- adj. Occurring soon; forthcoming. 很快会出现的;即将到来的

advisor ----顾问, <美> (学生的)指导老师

dispatch ---- vt to send off (to a place or for a stated purpose)发送;打发,派遣

to dispatch letters发信

dispatch a boy to the shop to buy beer.打发小孩到店里买啤酒

abreast ---- adv. Side by side并肩,并列Up to date with最新,赶得上

two ships docked abreast.两只船并肩停靠

keeping abreast of the latest developments.及时了解最新动态

keep abreast of 与...并进, 跟上, 不落后于

to keep abreast of the times in science在科学方面与时俱进

amend ---- v.tr. To change for the better; improve改好;改善:

To remove the faults or errors in; correct 改正,纠正

amended the earlier proposal so as to make it more comprehensive.


restrict ---- v.tr. To keep or confine within limits. 限制,限定


