


Reading II Supplementary --5-- UNIT 4 DIANA DIES IN PARIS CAR WRECK

Crash---- vi vt To break violently or noisily; smash 重击,撞碎

To undergo sudden damage or destruction on impact 损毁,坠毁

To make a sudden loud noise: 发出突然撞击声

Their car crashed into a guardrail. 他们的车撞上护栏。

The airplane crashed over the ocean. 飞机在海洋上坠毁.

breakers crashing against the rocks.海浪砰然撞在岩石上

photographer[fE’tC grEfE] 摄影师,摄影家

photograph ----[‘fEutEgr a:f]n. vt vi To be the subject for photographs:成为拍照对象:We photographed the school team.我们给校队照了个相。

She photographs well.她很上相

Spark---- v.tr.To activate发动;激起; 触发n. 火花, 萌芽

The incident sparked a …controversy.这一事件引发了一场争端

the spark of genius.智慧的火花the spark of revolution.革命的火种

sparkle---- n. A small spark or gleaming particle. 小火花或发光的小颗粒

vi/vt To give off sparks 放出火花

mourn---- vi [for; over] To feel or express grief or sorrow. 感到或表示悲伤或悲痛

mourn for [over] the dead哀悼死者

v.tr. To feel or express deep regret for 感到或表示深深的遗憾

To grieve over (someone who has died). 哀悼对死者表示哀悼

mourned the wasted years.懊悔虚度的年华

The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved leader.


Veer----vi; vt To alter the direction ( of ); turn改变…的方向;使转向:

He veered the car sharply to the left. 把车急转到左边

Heir---- 【法律】A person who inherits or is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the e’state of another.继承人根据法律继承或根据遗嘱继承另一人之财产者

A person who succeeds or is in line to succeed to a he’reditary rank, title, or office.

继承者,后继者,承袭者承袭或依次即将承袭一个可世袭的官阶、头衔或职位的人女性为:heiress[‘earis] millionaire

companion----A person who accompanies or associates with another; a comrade. 同伴;同事

a travelling companion旅伴

He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.


‘Concrete---- adj Of or relating to an actual, specific thing or instance; particular具体的,实际的had the concrete evidence needed to convict.需要有具体的证据来判定有罪

Existing in reality or in real experience; perceptible by the senses; real 真实的concrete objects such as trees.实存的物体,如树木等

Made of hard, strong, construction material 混制的


